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Fun Formulas


Fun Formulas

  {:kino, github: "livebook-dev/kino", override: true},
  {:kino_lab, "~> 0.1.0-dev", github: "jonatanklosko/kino_lab"},
  {:vega_lite, "~> 0.1.4"},
  {:kino_vega_lite, "~> 0.1.1"},
  {:benchee, "~> 0.1"},
  {:ecto, "~> 3.7"},
  {:math, "~> 0.7.0"},
  {:faker, "~> 0.17.0"},
  {:utils, path: "#{__DIR__}/../utils"},
  {:tested_cell, git: "https://github.com/BrooklinJazz/tested_cell"}


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Ensure you type the ea keyboard shortcut to evaluate all Elixir cells before starting. Alternatively you can evaluate the Elixir cells as you read.

Fun Formulas

As developer’s it’s our job to translate business requirements into something that the computer understands.

These exercises will have you convert a common formula into an Elixir program.


Let’s say we’re building a program with a loading bar.

Users download items, and you need to display the current percentage that the download has finished.

You can calculate the percentage with $\frac{completed\ items}{total\ items}\times100$

In the Elixir cell below, calculate the percentage given completed_items and total_items.

Replace nil with your answer.

ExUnit.start(auto_run: false)

defmodule Assertion do
  use ExUnit.Case

  test "Exercise" do
    try do
      Process.flag(:trap_exit, true)
      completed_items = 10
      total_items = 100

      percentage = completed_items / total_items * 100

      assert total_items >= completed_items,
             "total_items should always be more than completed items, please reset the exercise"

      assert percentage <= 100,
             "percentage should be a float between 0 and 100. Please check the formula entered."

      assert percentage == completed_items / total_items * 100
      error ->
          Your solution threw the following error:


      :exit, {error, {GenServer, message_type, [_pid, message, _timeout]}} ->
            GenServer crashed with the following error:


            When it recieved: #{inspect(message)} #{message_type}

            Likely you need to define the corresponding handler for #{inspect(message)}.

            Ensure you defined a `handle_call/3`, `handle_info/2`, or `handle_cast/2` or appropriate handler function.

              def handle_call(:message, _from, state) do

            Then ensure you call `GenServer.call/2`, `GenServer.cast/2`, or otherwise send the message correctly.

              GenServer.call(pid, :message)

      :exit, error ->
          Unhandled exit with the following error:

      # all warnings and errors are printed to the previous Kino Frame
      # to avoid cluttering the test results display.
      Kino.render(Kino.Markdown.new("### Test Results 

)) end end end ExUnit.run() # Make variables and modules defined in the test available. # Also allows for exploration using the output of the cell. # Unfortunately, this results in duplication of warnings. completed_items = 10 total_items = 100 percentage = completed_items / total_items * 100

Given a random number of completed_items and total_items, calculate the percentage.

Replace nil with your answer.

ExUnit.start(auto_run: false)

defmodule Assertion do
  use ExUnit.Case

  test "Exercise" do
    try do
      Process.flag(:trap_exit, true)
      completed_items = Utils.random(1..100)
      total_items = Utils.random(completed_items..100)

      percentage = completed_items / total_items * 100

      assert total_items >= completed_items,
             "total_items should always be more than completed items, please reset the exercise"

      assert percentage <= 100,
             "percentage should be a float between 0 and 100. Please check the formula entered."

      assert percentage == completed_items / total_items * 100
      error ->
          Your solution threw the following error:


      :exit, {error, {GenServer, message_type, [_pid, message, _timeout]}} ->
            GenServer crashed with the following error:


            When it recieved: #{inspect(message)} #{message_type}

            Likely you need to define the corresponding handler for #{inspect(message)}.

            Ensure you defined a `handle_call/3`, `handle_info/2`, or `handle_cast/2` or appropriate handler function.

              def handle_call(:message, _from, state) do

            Then ensure you call `GenServer.call/2`, `GenServer.cast/2`, or otherwise send the message correctly.

              GenServer.call(pid, :message)

      :exit, error ->
          Unhandled exit with the following error:

      # all warnings and errors are printed to the previous Kino Frame
      # to avoid cluttering the test results display.
      Kino.render(Kino.Markdown.new("### Test Results 

)) end end end ExUnit.run() # Make variables and modules defined in the test available. # Also allows for exploration using the output of the cell. # Unfortunately, this results in duplication of warnings. completed_items = Utils.random(1..100) total_items = Utils.random(completed_items..100) percentage = completed_items / total_items * 100

Rocket Ship

We’re building a rocket ship app to teach people about physics.

Users can enter the mass and acceleration of a ship to visualize the force generated.

Given that ${mass} * {acceleration} = force$, calculate force. Replace nil with your answer.

ExUnit.start(auto_run: false)

defmodule Assertion do
  use ExUnit.Case

  test "Exercise" do
    try do
      Process.flag(:trap_exit, true)
      mass = 10
      acceleration = 2

      force = mass * acceleration
      assert force == 20
      error ->
          Your solution threw the following error:


      :exit, {error, {GenServer, message_type, [_pid, message, _timeout]}} ->
            GenServer crashed with the following error:


            When it recieved: #{inspect(message)} #{message_type}

            Likely you need to define the corresponding handler for #{inspect(message)}.

            Ensure you defined a `handle_call/3`, `handle_info/2`, or `handle_cast/2` or appropriate handler function.

              def handle_call(:message, _from, state) do

            Then ensure you call `GenServer.call/2`, `GenServer.cast/2`, or otherwise send the message correctly.

              GenServer.call(pid, :message)

      :exit, error ->
          Unhandled exit with the following error:

      # all warnings and errors are printed to the previous Kino Frame
      # to avoid cluttering the test results display.
      Kino.render(Kino.Markdown.new("### Test Results 

)) end end end ExUnit.run() # Make variables and modules defined in the test available. # Also allows for exploration using the output of the cell. # Unfortunately, this results in duplication of warnings. mass = 10 acceleration = 2 force = mass * acceleration

What Do You Tip?

Let’s build a program to determine how much you should tip your server when you buy a meal.

The formula for calculating a tip is $cost\ of\ the\ meal * tip\ rate = tip\ amount$ where tip_rate is the rate you would like to tip as a decimal. so 15% would be 0.15 and 20% would be 0.2.

In the Elixir cell below, Use floats to set the cost_of_the_meal to represent $55.50 and the tip_rate to represent 20%. Then calculate the tip_amount.

Replace nil with your answers.

ExUnit.start(auto_run: false)

defmodule Assertion do
  use ExUnit.Case

  test "Exercise" do
    try do
      Process.flag(:trap_exit, true)
      cost_of_the_meal = 55.50
      tip_rate = 0.20

      tip_amount = 55.50 * 0.20
      assert tip_rate == 0.20, "tip rate should be 0.2"
      assert cost_of_the_meal == 55.5, "cost_of_the_meal should be 55.5"

      assert tip_amount === cost_of_the_meal * tip_rate,
             "tip_amount should be cost_of_the_meal * tip_rate"
      error ->
          Your solution threw the following error:


      :exit, {error, {GenServer, message_type, [_pid, message, _timeout]}} ->
            GenServer crashed with the following error:


            When it recieved: #{inspect(message)} #{message_type}

            Likely you need to define the corresponding handler for #{inspect(message)}.

            Ensure you defined a `handle_call/3`, `handle_info/2`, or `handle_cast/2` or appropriate handler function.

              def handle_call(:message, _from, state) do

            Then ensure you call `GenServer.call/2`, `GenServer.cast/2`, or otherwise send the message correctly.

              GenServer.call(pid, :message)

      :exit, error ->
          Unhandled exit with the following error:

      # all warnings and errors are printed to the previous Kino Frame
      # to avoid cluttering the test results display.
      Kino.render(Kino.Markdown.new("### Test Results 

)) end end end ExUnit.run() # Make variables and modules defined in the test available. # Also allows for exploration using the output of the cell. # Unfortunately, this results in duplication of warnings. cost_of_the_meal = 55.50 tip_rate = 0.20 tip_amount = 55.50 * 0.20

Pythagorean Theorum

To calculate the longest side of a triangle we use $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$

First, given a and b, calculate c_square where c_square is $c^2$.

ExUnit.start(auto_run: false)

defmodule Assertion do
  use ExUnit.Case

  test "Exercise" do
    try do
      Process.flag(:trap_exit, true)
      a = 10
      b = 10

      c_square = a ** 2 + b ** 2

      assert c_square == 10 ** 2 + 10 ** 2,
             "The answer is not correct, please check the formula entered."
      error ->
          Your solution threw the following error:


      :exit, {error, {GenServer, message_type, [_pid, message, _timeout]}} ->
            GenServer crashed with the following error:


            When it recieved: #{inspect(message)} #{message_type}

            Likely you need to define the corresponding handler for #{inspect(message)}.

            Ensure you defined a `handle_call/3`, `handle_info/2`, or `handle_cast/2` or appropriate handler function.

              def handle_call(:message, _from, state) do

            Then ensure you call `GenServer.call/2`, `GenServer.cast/2`, or otherwise send the message correctly.

              GenServer.call(pid, :message)

      :exit, error ->
          Unhandled exit with the following error:

      # all warnings and errors are printed to the previous Kino Frame
      # to avoid cluttering the test results display.
      Kino.render(Kino.Markdown.new("### Test Results 

)) end end end ExUnit.run() # Make variables and modules defined in the test available. # Also allows for exploration using the output of the cell. # Unfortunately, this results in duplication of warnings. a = 10 b = 10 c_square = a ** 2 + b ** 2


This is a bonus challenge that requires going beyond what you’ve already learned.

You need to figure out how to find the square root of a number in Elixir.

Given c_square, calculate c. Replace nil with your answer.

ExUnit.start(auto_run: false)

defmodule Assertion do
  use ExUnit.Case

  test "Exercise" do
    try do
      Process.flag(:trap_exit, true)
      c_square = 200

      c = :math.sqrt(c_square)
      assert c == :math.sqrt(200)
      error ->
          Your solution threw the following error:


      :exit, {error, {GenServer, message_type, [_pid, message, _timeout]}} ->
            GenServer crashed with the following error:


            When it recieved: #{inspect(message)} #{message_type}

            Likely you need to define the corresponding handler for #{inspect(message)}.

            Ensure you defined a `handle_call/3`, `handle_info/2`, or `handle_cast/2` or appropriate handler function.

              def handle_call(:message, _from, state) do

            Then ensure you call `GenServer.call/2`, `GenServer.cast/2`, or otherwise send the message correctly.

              GenServer.call(pid, :message)

      :exit, error ->
          Unhandled exit with the following error:

      # all warnings and errors are printed to the previous Kino Frame
      # to avoid cluttering the test results display.
      Kino.render(Kino.Markdown.new("### Test Results 

)) end end end ExUnit.run() # Make variables and modules defined in the test available. # Also allows for exploration using the output of the cell. # Unfortunately, this results in duplication of warnings. c_square = 200 c = :math.sqrt(c_square)

Commit Your Progress

Run the following in your command line from the project folder to track and save your progress in a Git commit.

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "finish fun formulas exercise"