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Snowman Script


Snowman Script

  {:kino, github: "livebook-dev/kino", override: true},
  {:kino_lab, "~> 0.1.0-dev", github: "jonatanklosko/kino_lab"},
  {:vega_lite, "~> 0.1.4"},
  {:kino_vega_lite, "~> 0.1.1"},
  {:benchee, "~> 0.1"},
  {:ecto, "~> 3.7"},
  {:math, "~> 0.7.0"},
  {:faker, "~> 0.17.0"},
  {:utils, path: "#{__DIR__}/../utils"},
  {:tested_cell, git: "https://github.com/BrooklinJazz/tested_cell"}


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Snowman is a game where players guess a letter in a hidden word. For each incorrect guess they draw a piece of a snowman. If they finish the snowman before guessing the word then they lose.

Players are given empty spaces representing characters in the word. They then guess a letter, and any letters in that word are revealed.

For example, the player may be given a 5 letter word.

_ _ _ _ _

The player guesses the letter e, and the following is revealed.

_ e _ _ _

The player continues to guess, and gradually the answer is revealed as "hello".

h e l l o

Create A Snowman Script

In the projects folder, create a snowman.exs script.

When you execute the snowman.exs script it should randomly generate a word from a list of your choosing, for example:

Enum.random(["snowball", "carrot", "winter"])

The game should prompt players to enter a guess and display empty underscores _. The player can then enter a single letter to guess.

A correct guess should reveal any matching letters in the word. An incorrect guess should print the previously revealed letters.

For example,

$ elixir snowman.exs
_ _ _ _ _
w _ _ _ _
w o _ _ _
w o r _ _
w o r l _
w o r l _
w o r l d

(Bonus) Draw A Snowman

Draw a snowman or other ASCII picture of your choosing gradually with each failed guess. Once the player reaches the maximum number of guesses (based on how many steps it takes to draw your ASCII picture.) end the game with a failure message. For example, you might gradually draw the following:

   _==_ _
  \/. \-|
__( :  )|_

> Art by Hayley Jane Wakenshaw

Commit Your Progress

Run the following in your command line from the project folder to track and save your progress in a Git commit.

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "finish snowman script exercise"