{:kino, github: "livebook-dev/kino", override: true},
{:kino_lab, "~> 0.1.0-dev", github: "jonatanklosko/kino_lab"},
{:vega_lite, "~> 0.1.4"},
{:kino_vega_lite, "~> 0.1.1"},
{:benchee, "~> 0.1"},
{:ecto, "~> 3.7"},
{:math, "~> 0.7.0"},
{:faker, "~> 0.17.0"},
{:utils, path: "#{__DIR__}/../utils"}
Ensure you type the ea
keyboard shortcut to evaluate all Elixir cells before starting. Alternatively you can evaluate the Elixir cells as you read.
We test to ensure our code behaves as expected.
Automated tests automate the process of manually testing our code and verify our code continues to behave as expected.
Without tests, it’s easy to introduce breaking changes. With tests, when something breaks, the automated test suite catches issue and facilitates debugging by providing useful feedback.
> We test to increase confidence that our software does what it’s > supposed to do. Testing gives us confidence that our code works as expected. > This is true for all kinds of testing, whether for automated tests performed > by a machine or for manual tests performed by a human. > > * Testing Elixir by Andrea Leopardi and Jeffrey Matthias
Test Behavior, Not Implementation
Tests can be brittle, meaning that as you change your codebase, tests will fail frequently. Typically, tests are brittle because they test implementation rather than behavior.
Think of behavior as the input and output of your function, and the implementation is the black box within it.
subgraph Behavior
subgraph BB[Black Box]
Input --> BB --> Output
Our tests should concern themselves with the behavior of our code, not the internal details. Easier said than done, however as a general rule if refactoring your code (making improvements without changing behavior) breaks your tests, then you are likely testing implementation.
Test Cases
Generally, we can split up our test suite into test cases. Each test case may require many assertions.
Let’s consider how we would test a Math
module that abstracts the operators for adding different
data types together, like so.
8 = Math.add(4, 4)
9.0 = Math.add(4.5, 4.5)
"ab" = Math.add("a", "b")
[1, 2] = Math.add([1], [2])
%{one: 1, two: 2} = Math.add(%{one: 1}, %{two: 2})
[one: 1, two: 2] = Math.add([two: 2], [two: 2])
Our Happy-path test cases (where our code is used as expected) could be the following.
- adding two integers
- adding two floats
- adding two lists
- adding two maps
We also want to consider edge-case test cases, also called sad-path or unhappy path when things go wrong, or the code is misused. For example, we might consider the following cases.
- adding an integer and a list
- adding an integer and a float
- adding a list and a map
There can be a deceptive number of edge cases to consider. For example, we could build a growing list of edge-case permutations for each data type we want the Math
module to handle.
Here, we’ve colored happy path tests green and edge-case tests yellow.
By planning test cases, we can anticipate possible edge cases and ensure we understand the desired behavior of the feature.
Test Driven Development
Many developers follow a practice of TDD (Test Driven Development), where they write the test for their feature before writing the implementation.
These developers would likely claim that TDD leads to better-tested code, simpler interfaces, and other benefits. However, other developers use different approaches, and it’s possible to take TDD too far or use it for the wrong situation.
It’s for you to make up your own mind about TDD, and this course aspires to be unbiased. However, we do believe that it’s beneficial for you to understand TDD so that it can be a tool in your toolbox should you choose to use it.
TDD has three main phases, often called Red, Green, and Refactor.
- Red: Write a failing test.
- Green: Write the code to make the test pass.
- Refactor: Improve and optimize your code without changing the behavior.
You will have the opportunity to practice TDD throughout this course. For a deeper dive on TDD and testing, you might consider watching this video by Ian Cooper. It’s over an hour and completely optional.
ExUnit is a built-in test framework for Elixir.
Let’s look at a very minimal test.
ExUnit.start(auto_run: false)
defmodule ExampleTest do
use ExUnit.Case
test "truthy" do
assert true
First, we start ExUnit
Next, we define a test module, ExampleTest
. The name of this module does not matter. However, it’s common to end the module name in Test
The next line, use ExUnit.Case
, generates some code from
the ExUnit.Case
module, which gives us access to the test
and assert
is a macro that defines a single test. test
accepts the name of the test as a string, in this case "truthy"
is a macro that makes a single assertion inside of the test. The test passes if assert
is given any truthy value and fails if it receives any falsy value.
Here, we assert
that true
is truthy.
A test can contain many assertions, and a test module can have many tests.
provides many different assertion macros from the ExUnit.Assertion
module. We’ll focus on the following common assertions.
check if a value is truthy. -
check if a value is falsy. -
check if the code raises an error.
We can use the assert
macro provided by ExUnit to assert that a value is truthy.
ExUnit.start(auto_run: false)
defmodule AssertExampleTest do
use ExUnit.Case
test "assert examples" do
assert true
assert fn -> 2 end
assert []
assert 1
assert %{}
accepts a message as the second argument, which will display a message if the test fails.
ExUnit.start(auto_run: false)
defmodule AssertMessageExampleTest do
use ExUnit.Case
test "failing example" do
assert false, "This message will display for a failing test."
The refute
macro is the opposite of the assert
macro. It checks that a value is falsy (nil
or false
ExUnit.start(auto_run: false)
defmodule RefuteExampleTest do
use ExUnit.Case
test "refute examples" do
refute false
refute not true
refute !5
refute is_map(4)
also displays a message if the test fails.
ExUnit.start(auto_run: false)
defmodule RefuteMessageExampleTest do
use ExUnit.Case
test "failing example" do
refute true, "This message will display for a failing test."
Practical Assertions
Since assert
tests if a value is truthy, we often use operators to compare the value with another or functions to verify some property of the value under test.
For example, we might use comparison operators (==
, ===
, >=
, >
, <=
, <
) to compare our received value with the expected value.
double = fn int -> int * 2 end
double.(2) == 4
It’s also common to use the match operator =
to check if the value matches a specific pattern. Alternatively, we can also use the
built-in match?/2
map = %{one: 1, two: 2}
%{one: _} = map
match?(%{one: 1}, map)
The test-based match operator =~
can test if a regular expression matches a string.
string = "hello world"
string =~ "hello"
string =~ ~r/\w/
There are also many built-in functions, such as is_map
, is_list
, is_integer
, and more which we can use to assert some
property of the value under test.
These operators and functions can combine with assert
to make more useful assertions.
ExUnit.start(auto_run: false)
defmodule AssertionExampleTest do
use ExUnit.Case
test "practical assertions example" do
# comparison operators
assert 2 == 2.0
assert 2.0 === 2.0
assert 1 < 2
assert 2 > 1
assert 2 >= 2
assert 2 <= 2
# match operator
assert %{one: _} = %{one: 1, two: 2}
assert [one: _, two: _] = [one: 1, two: 2]
assert {_, _, _} = {1, 2, 3}
assert [1 | _tail] = [1, 2, 3]
# functions
assert is_integer(2)
assert is_map(%{})
# text-based match operator
assert "hello world" =~ "hello"
assert "hello world" =~ ~r/\w+/
Assertions that use an operator provide a :left
and :right
value for feedback.
Generally, :left
should be the received value for the system under test, and :right
should be the expected value
for the system under test.
1) test left/right == example (LeftRightExampleTest)
Assertion with == failed
code: assert 4 == 5
left: 4
right: 5
reading/exunit.livemd#cell:7: (test)
ExUnit.start(auto_run: false)
defmodule LeftRightExampleTest do
use ExUnit.Case
test "left/right == example" do
assert 4 == 5
test "left/right > example" do
assert 4 > 5
test "left/right =~ example" do
assert "hello world" =~ "non-matching pattern"
Your Turn
Putting everything we’ve learned so far together, you’re going to create
a suite of tests for a Math
module that handles adding similar data types together.
8 = Math.add(4, 4)
9.0 = Math.add(4.5, 4.5)
"ab" = Math.add("a", "b")
[1, 2] = Math.add([1], [2])
%{one: 1, two: 2} = Math.add(%{one: 1}, %{two: 2})
[one: 1, two: 2] = Math.add([two: 2], [two: 2])
Write the following happy-path test cases for the Math
module in the Elixir cell below.
- add two integers
- add two floats
- add two strings
- add two lists
- add two maps
- add two keyword lists.
We’ve pre-made the test case to add two integers as a demonstration of the task.
Notice we can omit the do
block to make a "Not implemented"
defmodule Math do
ExUnit.start(auto_run: false)
defmodule MathTest do
use ExUnit.Case
test "add/2 integers" do
assert Math.add(1, 1) === 2
test "add/2 floats"
test "add/2 strings"
test "add/2 lists"
test "add/2 maps"
test "add/2 keyword lists"
Your Turn (Bonus)
Implement the Math
module using a module, and then implement the Math
module using protocols.
Do your tests pass for both solutions? Ideally, none of your tests should depend on the
underlying implementation of the Math
Example-Based Testing
Above, we’ve demonstrated example-based testing, in that we provide a single example of input and output, and assume that the system under test continues to behave as expected.
However, there are a potentially infinite number of inputs and outputs for the Math.add/2
Is it safe to assume that a single example comprehensively tests all inputs?
for int1 <- 1..3, int2 <- 1..3 do
[input: int1, input: int2, output: int1 + int2]
|> Kino.DataTable.new()
For example, we can make the integers test pass with a fake solution.
defmodule Math do
def add(_int1, _int2) do
ExUnit.start(auto_run: false)
defmodule MyTest do
use ExUnit.Case
test "add/2 integer + integer" do
assert Math.add(1, 1) == 2
A robust test ensures the code behaves correctly under many scenarios. To improve the robustness of our tests, we could write more example-based tests or more assertions in the same test.
ExUnit.start(auto_run: false)
defmodule MathTest do
use ExUnit.Case
test "add/2 integer + integer" do
assert Math.add(1, 1) === 2
assert Math.add(1, 2) === 3
# Alternatively, we could separate this into two tests.
test "add/2 1 + 1" do
assert Math.add(1, 1) === 2
test "add/2 1 + 2" do
assert Math.add(1, 2) === 3
This is more comprehensive. However, it’s still possible to fake the solution. In addition, if we continue this pattern, we will write more tests than necessary, which makes our test suite longer and potentially harder to maintain.
Randomized Test Data
Simple example-based tests have their place, but when we want a highly robust test, we can rely on randomized data.
We can generate random data ourselves or depend on an external library like Faker.
ExUnit.start(auto_run: false)
defmodule MathTest do
use ExUnit.Case
test "add/2 integer + integer" do
# you may still choose to include a few example-based assertions.
assert Math.add(1, 1) === 2
assert Math.add(1, 2) === 3
# Now all integers between 1 and 99 will be covered.
int1 = Enum.random(1..99)
int2 = Enum.random(1..99)
assert Math.add(int1, int2) == int1 + int2
Types of Test
There are three primary types of tests.
- Unit Test: tests that cover a single unit in isolation.
- Integration Tests tests that cover the integration of multiple components.
- End to End (E2E) tests that cover the whole system from start to finish.
So far, we have only seen examples of Unit Tests. In addition, the definition of a unit is often hotly debated in the programming community, so the lines between integration and unit tests are blurry.
We’ll have the opportunity to see various types of tests. For now, it’s sufficient to be aware that there are multiple types.
For more on integration tests, consider reading Integration Tests, a blog post by Martin Fowler.
For end-to-end testing, we’ll later use the popular Wallaby project, which can test web applications by simulating realistic user interactions.
Test Suite Structure
We want to have confidence in our test suite so that as we add features, refactor, and otherwise change your codebase, we are not at risk of making breaking changes.
There are several schools of thought on how you should comprehensively test applications.
Many developers believe the Test Pyramid creates a fast and comprehensive test suite with many unit tests, some integration tests, and fewer end-to-end tests.
Alternatively, you might consider the Test Trophy, which prioritizes integration tests.
Rather than recommend a specific pattern, we hope to introduce you to them so that you can develop your own opinions and do further research.
Test Naming
Naming tests is important, but also highly subjective. There are some common patterns such as Given, When, Then.
In general, a good test name should capture:
- the system under test
- the state under test
- the desired behavior
All of the following would capture the desired information.
test "Given two strings, when calling add/2 with both strings, it concatenates the strings."
test "add/2 _ two strings _ concatenates the strings."
We might omit the desired behavior from the test name, as it is also implicitly stated by the assertions in the test. By omitting the desired behavior, we prevent the test name from becoming outdated when the desired behavior changes, at the cost of possibly reducing the immediate clarity of our test.
So the following test name could be appropriate:
test "add/2 strings"
Rather than dogmatically recommend a pattern, we’ll say that a good test name makes it easier to understand the goal of the test. Of course, how you do this is up to you, and many teams develop different patterns.
Test Organization
We can group tests into a describe
block. A describe
block organizes tests by some commonality. For example, it’s common to group tests for a single function in the module under test together.
ExUnit.start(auto_run: false)
defmodule DescribeExampleTest do
use ExUnit.Case
describe "Module.function1/1" do
test "test 1" do
test "test 2" do
describe "Module.function2/1" do
test "test 1" do
test "test 2" do
Your Turn
In the Elixir cell below, write the happy-path test cases for the Math.subtract/2
function in it’s own describe
- subtract two integers
- subtract two floats
- subtract two strings
- subtract two lists
- subtract two maps
- subtract two keyword lists.
In addition, add your previous happy-path test cases for the Math.add/2
function in it’s own describe
should work as follows.
4 = Math.subtract(8, 4)
2.0 = Math.subtract(4.5, 2.5)
"b" = Math.subtract("ab", "a")
[1] = Math.subtract([1, 2], [2])
%{two: 2} = Math.subtract(%{one: 1, two: 2}, %{one: 1})
[one: 1] = Math.add([one: 2, two: 2], [two: 2])
defmodule Math do
ExUnit.start(auto_run: false)
defmodule MathTest do
use ExUnit.Case
describe "Math.add/2" do
test "integers"
test "floats"
test "strings"
test "lists"
test "maps"
test "keyword lists"
describe "Math.subtract/2" do
test "integers"
test "floats"
test "strings"
test "lists"
test "maps"
test "keyword lists"
Your Turn (Bonus)
Implement the Math
module using a module, and then implement the Math
module using protocols.
Do your tests pass for both solutions? Ideally, none of your tests should depend on the
underlying implementation of the Math
Testing Mix Projects
Mix projects provide some conveniences when working with ExUnit
Let’s see how we would test the Math
module if it were a Mix project.
First, create a new mix project called math
$ mix new math
You should see an output similar to the following.
* creating README.md
* creating .formatter.exs
* creating .gitignore
* creating mix.exs
* creating lib
* creating lib/math.ex
* creating test
* creating test/test_helper.exs
* creating test/math_test.exs
Your Mix project was created successfully.
You can use "mix" to compile it, test it, and more:
cd math
mix test
Run "mix help" for more commands.
Tests in a mix project are in the test/
folder. Generally there is an equivalent file in the test/
for each tested file in the lib
ExUnit is started for us in the test/test_helper.exs
file, and
files in the test/
folder automatically compile, evaluate, and execute when we run tests.
Run Tests
We can execute all tests by running the following from the command line in the project folder.
$ mix test
Run Tests in A File
We can run a single test file by providing its path.
$ mix test path/to/test/file.exs
For example, we can run the math_test.exs
$ mix test test/math_test.exs
Run Tests By Line Number
We can execute a specific test or several tests under a describe
block by providing the line number.
$ mix test test/math_test.exs:5
Visual Studio Code Elixir Testing Extension
We highly recommend using the Elixir Test extension if you are using Visual Studio Code.
Elixir Test provides several commands which facilitate more straightforward test running.
Your Turn
Move the Math.add/2
and Math.subtract/2
test suite into the math_test.exs
Then use the command line to experiment with running tests.
Run all tests from the command line.
$ mix test
Run tests in the math_test.exs
$ mix test test/math_test.exs
Run tests in the the Math.add/2
describe block. Replace 1
with the correct line number.
$ mix test test/math_test.exs:1
Run a single test. Replace 1
with the correct line number.
$ mix test test/math_test.exs:1
Test Tags
We can use @moduletag
, @describetag
, and @tag
module attributes to tag our tests.
Once tagged, we can configure ExUnit to exclude, include, or only run tests with specific tags.
See the documentation for more on ExUnit Configuration.
Notice below that the test suite passes because the failing test never runs.
ExUnit.start(auto_run: false)
# We can configure ExUnit to exclude, include, or only run certain tests.
ExUnit.configure(exclude: :my_module_tag)
defmodule TagTest do
use ExUnit.Case
@moduletag :my_module_tag
test "failing test" do
assert false
Your Turn
tags all tests in a module, @descibetag
tags all tests in a describe block, and @tag
tags a single test.
We’ve provided several examples of configuring tests with tags in the cell below. Uncomment each configuration one by one and execute the tests to see which tests are included and excluded.
Feel free to write your own configure/1
function to experiment with configuration.
ExUnit.start(auto_run: false)
ExUnit.configure(exclude: :my_module_tag, include: :my_descibe_tag, include: :my_tag)
# ExUnit.configure(exclude: :my_descibe_tag, exclude: :my_tag)
# ExUnit.configure(only: :my_descibe_tag)
# ExUnit.configure(only: :my_tag)
defmodule TagTest do
use ExUnit.Case
@moduletag :my_module_tag
test "failing module test" do
assert false
describe "failing describe" do
@describetag :my_describe_tag
test "failing test" do
assert false
@tag :my_tag
test "failing test" do
assert false
Mix Project Tags
Once tagged, we can use the flags --only
, --exclude
, and --include
to run specific tests.
$ mix test --exclude my_tag
Alternatively, we can place the ExUnit.configure/1
function in test_helpers.exs
ExUnit.configure(exclude: :my_tag)
Your Turn
Use the @moduletag
, @describetag
, and @tag
module attributes in the math_test.exs
Then use the --exclude
, --include
, and --only
flags for the mix test
command to only run certain tests.
Finally, configure the test_helper.exs
file to exclude each tag individually and run all tests.
Ensure tests with your skipped test do not run.
Documentation and Doc Testing
We use the @moduledoc
and @doc
module attributes to document our code in a mix project.
By documenting our project, we explain to other developers the purpose of our code.
contains documentation for the entire module, and @doc
documents the function below it.
When we created the Math
mix project, it used the @doc
and @moduledoc
module attribute to document the main math.ex
defmodule Math do
@moduledoc """
Documentation for `Math`.
@doc """
Hello world.
## Examples
iex> Math.hello()
def hello do
Notice the Examples
section, which simulates an IEx
shell. This is a Doctest.
Doctests are run by the corresponding test file math_test.exs
using the doctest
macro from ExUnit
ExUnit.start(auto_run: false)
defmodule MathTest do
use ExUnit.Case
doctest Math
Doctests are generally not as comprehensive as typical testing and are not a full replacement. However, they can be a great way to TDD your code and ensure the documentation remains up to date.
Your Turn
Add Doctests for the math.ex
the add/2
and subtract/2
function. Include an example
for each data type (integers, floats, strings, lists, maps, keyword lists).
Generally, Doctests go in an Examples
You can write multiple Doctests like so.
@doc """
add data types.
## Examples
iex> Math.add(1, 1)
iex> Math.add(2.1, 2.1)
Further Reading
For more on testing, consider using the following resources.
Mix Test, for more on how you can use the
mix test
command. - ExUnit, for documentation on ExUnit.
- ElixirSchools: Documentation, an lesson by Elixir schools on documentation and doc-testing.
Commit Your Progress
Run the following in your command line from the project folder to track and save your progress in a Git commit.
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "finish exunit section"