I am aiming to experiment with Kubernetes so that I can get the point of quickly setting up a sample distributed Elixir application running in K8S (probably Minikube for now).
However I have a series of tasks to do and these start spinning off other tasks. This is my TODO List so that I don’t lose track.
- Create a helper for elixir so that I can build a docker container for any Elixir app.
- Create a helper to create the K8S Setup for that project. This may include a Helm file for the project.
Other tasks underway
- Write a blog post on json schema validation
- Start a list of known Elixir projects that have build issues and raise PR’s to fix them
Projects to Fix
fs Hex package
dependency :fs is using Rebar 2, which is no longer maintained and no longer works in recent Erlang/OTP versions. Remove the :manager option or set it to :rebar3 instead