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Completions Bot


Completions Bot

  {:openai_ex, "~> 0.8.6"},
  {:kino, "~> 0.13.1"}

alias OpenaiEx
alias OpenaiEx.Completion

Deprecation Notice

Note that OpenAI has deprecated the models that use the Completion API. The newer models all use the Chat Completion API. As such, this livebook will stop working when the models are discontinued.

It is still being left in the documentation in case people want to use it with non OpenAI models through an OpenAI API proxy.

Model Choices

openai =
  |> OpenaiEx.new()

# uncomment the line at the end of this block comment when working with a local LLM with a 
# proxy such as llama.cpp-python in the example below, our development livebook server is 
# running in a docker dev container while the local llm is running on the host machine
# |> OpenaiEx.with_base_url("http://host.docker.internal:8000/v1")
comp_models = [

Normal Completion

This function calls the completion API and renders the result in the given Kino frame.

completion = fn model, prompt, max_tokens, temperature, last_frame ->
  text =
    |> Completion.create!(%{
      model: model,
      prompt: prompt,
      max_tokens: max_tokens,
      temperature: temperature
    |> Map.get("choices")
    |> Enum.at(0)
    |> Map.get("text")

  Kino.Frame.render(last_frame, Kino.Markdown.new("**Bot** #{text}"))

Streaming Completion

This function calls the streaming completion API and continuously updates the Kino frame with the latest tokens

completion_stream = fn model, prompt, max_tokens, temperature, last_frame ->
  stream =
    |> Completion.create!(
        model: model,
        prompt: prompt,
        max_tokens: max_tokens,
        temperature: temperature
      stream: true

  token_stream =
    |> Stream.flat_map(& &1)
    |> Stream.map(fn %{data: data} ->
      data |> Map.get("choices") |> Enum.at(0) |> Map.get("text")

  |> Enum.reduce("", fn out, acc ->
    next = acc <> out
    Kino.Frame.render(last_frame, Kino.Markdown.new("**Bot** #{next}"))

Create a Form UI

This is a function to create a Form UI that can be used to call the completion API. The 2nd parameter determines whether the normal or streaming API is called.

create_form = fn title, completion_fn ->
  chat_frame = Kino.Frame.new()
  last_frame = Kino.Frame.new()

  Kino.Frame.render(chat_frame, Kino.Markdown.new(title))

  inputs = [
    model: Kino.Input.select("Model", comp_models |> Enum.map(fn x -> {x, x} end)),
    max_tokens: Kino.Input.number("Max Tokens", default: 400),
    temperature: Kino.Input.number("Temperature", default: 1),
    prompt: Kino.Input.textarea("Prompt")

  form = Kino.Control.form(inputs, submit: "Send", reset_on_submit: [:prompt])

    fn %{
         data: %{
           prompt: prompt,
           model: model,
           max_tokens: max_tokens,
           temperature: temperature
       } ->
      Kino.Frame.render(chat_frame, Kino.Markdown.new(title))
      Kino.Frame.append(chat_frame, Kino.Markdown.new("**Me** #{prompt}"))

      completion_fn.(model, prompt, max_tokens, temperature, last_frame)

  Kino.Layout.grid([chat_frame, last_frame, form], boxed: true, gap: 16)

Normal Chatbot

Create the Form for the non-streaming completion API and use it.

create_form.("## Completion Chatbot", completion)

Streaming Chatbot

Create the form for the streaming completion API, and use it.

create_form.("## Streaming Chatbot", completion_stream)