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Advent of Code - Day 5


Advent of Code - Day 5

  {:kino_aoc, "~> 0.1"}


–> Content


{:ok, puzzle_input} =
  KinoAOC.download_puzzle("2023", "5", System.fetch_env!("LB_AOC_SESSION"))


Code - Parser

defmodule Parser do
  def parse_conversion_map(input) do
      seed_to_soil: extract_conversion_map(input, "seed-to-soil"),
      soil_to_fertilizer: extract_conversion_map(input, "soil-to-fertilizer"),
      fertilizer_to_water: extract_conversion_map(input, "fertilizer-to-water"),
      water_to_light: extract_conversion_map(input, "water-to-light"),
      light_to_temperature: extract_conversion_map(input, "light-to-temperature"),
      temperature_to_humidity: extract_conversion_map(input, "temperature-to-humidity"),
      humidity_to_location: extract_conversion_map(input, "humidity-to-location")

  def parse_seeds(input) do

  defp extract_seeds(input) do
    Regex.scan(~r/seeds:(\s*\d*)+/, input)
    |> hd()
    |> hd()
    |> String.replace(~r/seeds:\s*/, "")
    |> String.replace(~r/\n+/, "")
    |> String.split(" ", trim: true)
    |> Enum.map(&String.to_integer(&1))

  defp extract_conversion_map(input, map_name) do
    Regex.scan(~r/(?<=#{map_name} map:)(\n\d+ \d+ \d+)+/, input)
    |> hd()
    |> hd()
    |> String.split("\n", trim: true)
    |> Enum.map(fn string ->
      String.split(string, " ", trim: true)
      |> Enum.map(&amp;String.to_integer(&amp;1))
      |> List.to_tuple()

Tests - Parser

ExUnit.start(autorun: false)

defmodule ParserTest do
  use ExUnit.Case, async: true
  import Parser

  @input """
  seeds: 79 14 55 13

  seed-to-soil map:
  50 98 2
  52 50 48

  soil-to-fertilizer map:
  0 15 37
  37 52 2
  39 0 15

  fertilizer-to-water map:
  49 53 8
  0 11 42
  42 0 7
  57 7 4

  water-to-light map:
  88 18 7
  18 25 70

  light-to-temperature map:
  45 77 23
  81 45 19
  68 64 13

  temperature-to-humidity map:
  0 69 1
  1 0 69

  humidity-to-location map:
  60 56 37
  56 93 4

  @expected %{
    seed_to_soil: [{50, 98, 2}, {52, 50, 48}],
    soil_to_fertilizer: [{0, 15, 37}, {37, 52, 2}, {39, 0, 15}],
    fertilizer_to_water: [{49, 53, 8}, {0, 11, 42}, {42, 0, 7}, {57, 7, 4}],
    water_to_light: [{88, 18, 7}, {18, 25, 70}],
    light_to_temperature: [{45, 77, 23}, {81, 45, 19}, {68, 64, 13}],
    temperature_to_humidity: [{0, 69, 1}, {1, 0, 69}],
    humidity_to_location: [{60, 56, 37}, {56, 93, 4}]

  test "parse test" do
    actual = parse_conversion_map(@input)
    assert actual == @expected

  @expected_seeds [79, 14, 55, 13]

  test "parse seeds" do
    actual = parse_seeds(@input)
    assert actual == @expected_seeds


Part One

Code - Part 1

defmodule PartOne do
  def solve(input) do
    IO.puts("--- Part One ---")
    IO.puts("Result: #{run(input)}")

  def run(input_string) do
    seeds = Parser.parse_seeds(input_string)
    conversion_map = Parser.parse_conversion_map(input_string)

    Enum.map(seeds, fn seed -> find_distance_for_seed(seed, conversion_map) end)
    |> Enum.min()

  def find_distance_for_seed(seed, conversion_map) do
    find_dest_for_source(seed, conversion_map.seed_to_soil)
    |> find_dest_for_source(conversion_map.soil_to_fertilizer)
    |> find_dest_for_source(conversion_map.fertilizer_to_water)
    |> find_dest_for_source(conversion_map.water_to_light)
    |> find_dest_for_source(conversion_map.light_to_temperature)
    |> find_dest_for_source(conversion_map.temperature_to_humidity)
    |> find_dest_for_source(conversion_map.humidity_to_location)

  defp find_dest_for_source(source_val, source_to_dest_map) do
    Enum.find_value(source_to_dest_map, fn {dest_range_start, source_range_start, range_length} ->
      if Enum.member?(source_range_start..(source_range_start + range_length - 1), source_val) do
        dest_range_start + source_val - source_range_start
    end) || map_value_when_not_found_in_ranges(source_val)

  defp map_value_when_not_found_in_ranges(value) do

Tests - Part 1

ExUnit.start(autorun: false)

defmodule PartOneTest do
  use ExUnit.Case, async: true
  import PartOne

  @input """
  seeds: 79 14 55 13

  seed-to-soil map:
  50 98 2
  52 50 48

  soil-to-fertilizer map:
  0 15 37
  37 52 2
  39 0 15

  fertilizer-to-water map:
  49 53 8
  0 11 42
  42 0 7
  57 7 4

  water-to-light map:
  88 18 7
  18 25 70

  light-to-temperature map:
  45 77 23
  81 45 19
  68 64 13

  temperature-to-humidity map:
  0 69 1
  1 0 69

  humidity-to-location map:
  60 56 37
  56 93 4
  @expected 35

  test "simple example" do
    actual = run(@input)
    assert actual == @expected


Solution - Part 1


|> String.split("\n", trim: true)

Part Two

Code - Part 2

defmodule PartTwo do
  def solve(input) do
    IO.puts("--- Part Two ---")
    IO.puts("Result: #{run(input)}")

  def run(input_string) do
    seed_input = Parser.parse_seeds(input_string)
    conversion_map = Parser.parse_conversion_map(input_string)

    seed_ranges =
      Enum.chunk_every(seed_input, 2)
      |> Enum.map(fn [seed_range_start, seed_range_length] ->
        seed_range_start..(seed_range_start + seed_range_length - 1)

    Enum.reduce(seed_ranges, [], fn seed_range, minimums ->
      [find_distance_for_seed_range(seed_range, conversion_map) | minimums]
    |> Enum.min()

  defp find_distance_for_seed_range(seed_range, conversion_map) do
    |> destination_ranges_for(conversion_map.seed_to_soil)
    |> destination_ranges_for(conversion_map.soil_to_fertilizer)
    |> destination_ranges_for(conversion_map.fertilizer_to_water)
    |> destination_ranges_for(conversion_map.water_to_light)
    |> destination_ranges_for(conversion_map.light_to_temperature)
    |> destination_ranges_for(conversion_map.temperature_to_humidity)
    |> destination_ranges_for(conversion_map.humidity_to_location)
    |> minimum_distance()

  def destination_ranges_for(source_ranges, source_to_dest_map) do
    Enum.reduce(source_ranges, [], fn source_range, all_overlap_ranges ->
      overlap_ranges_tuple = overlap_ranges_tuple(source_range, source_to_dest_map)
      [overlap_source_ranges, overlap_ranges] = overlap_ranges_tuple

      gaps_between_source_range_and_mapping_entries =
        gaps_between_source_range_and_mapping_entries(source_range, overlap_source_ranges)

      unless Enum.empty?(gaps_between_source_range_and_mapping_entries) do

      gaps_between_source_range_and_mapping_entries ++ overlap_ranges ++ all_overlap_ranges

  def overlap_ranges_tuple(source_range, source_to_dest_map) do
    Enum.reduce(source_to_dest_map, [[], []], fn {dest_range_start, source_range_start,
                                                 [overlap_source_ranges, overlap_dest_ranges] ->
      equiv_source_range_for_dest_range =
        source_range_start..(source_range_start + range_length - 1)

      if Range.disjoint?(source_range, equiv_source_range_for_dest_range) do
        [overlap_source_ranges, overlap_dest_ranges]
        source_intersection = intersection(source_range, equiv_source_range_for_dest_range)

        offset =
          (source_intersection.first - source_range_start)..(source_intersection.last -

        dest_intersection = (dest_range_start + offset.first)..(dest_range_start + offset.last)
        [[source_intersection | overlap_source_ranges], [dest_intersection | overlap_dest_ranges]]

  defp gaps_between_source_range_and_mapping_entries(source_range, overlap_source_ranges) do
    Enum.reduce(overlap_source_ranges, [source_range], fn overlap_source_range, gaps ->
      Enum.map(gaps, fn gap ->
        gaps(gap, overlap_source_range)
      |> List.flatten()

  defp intersection(range1_pre, range2_pre) do
    [range1, range2] = Enum.sort([range1_pre, range2_pre])
    max(range1.first, range2.first)..min(range1.last, range2.last)

  def gaps(range1_pre, range2_pre) do
    [range1, range2] = Enum.sort([range1_pre, range2_pre])

    cond do
      range1 == range2 ->

      range1.first < range2.first &amp;&amp; range1.last < range2.last ->
        # overlap
          min(range1.first, range2.first)..(max(range1.first, range2.first) - 1),
          (min(range1.last, range2.last) + 1)..max(range1.last, range2.last)

      range1.first == range2.first &amp;&amp; range1.last < range2.last ->
        # overlap but left equal
        [(min(range1.last, range2.last) + 1)..max(range1.last, range2.last)]

      range1.first < range2.first &amp;&amp; range1.last == range2.last ->
        # overlap but right equal
        [min(range1.first, range2.first)..(max(range1.first, range2.first) - 1)]

      range2.first > range1.first &amp;&amp; range2.last < range1.last ->
        # right fully contained 
        [range1.first..(range2.first - 1), (range2.last + 1)..range1.last]

  def minimum_distance(ranges) do
    |> Enum.map(fn first..last -> min(first, last) end)
    |> Enum.min()

Tests - Part 2

ExUnit.start(autorun: false)

defmodule PartTwoTest do
  use ExUnit.Case, async: true
  import PartTwo

  @input """
  seeds: 79 14 55 13

  seed-to-soil map:
  50 98 2
  52 50 48

  soil-to-fertilizer map:
  0 15 37
  37 52 2
  39 0 15

  fertilizer-to-water map:
  49 53 8
  0 11 42
  42 0 7
  57 7 4

  water-to-light map:
  88 18 7
  18 25 70

  light-to-temperature map:
  45 77 23
  81 45 19
  68 64 13

  temperature-to-humidity map:
  0 69 1
  1 0 69

  humidity-to-location map:
  60 56 37
  56 93 4
  @expected 46

  test "simple example" do
    actual = run(@input)

    for i <- 0..10_000_000 do
      assert actual == @expected

  describe "find_dest_range_for_source_range/2" do
    test "seed range 79 14 with seed-to-soil" do
      # - 79..92 compare with 98..99 -> nothing
      # - 79..92 compare with 50..97 -> source is 79..92
      #   ->> turn into dest equiv: 
      assert 79 == 50 + 29
      assert 92 == 50 + 42
      # so its 29 to 42 
      # (52 + 29)..(52 + 42)
      # - leftovers for source->dest direct number mapping -> None
      actual = destination_ranges_for([79..92], [{50, 98, 2}, {52, 50, 48}])
      assert Enum.sort(actual) == [(52 + 29)..(52 + 42)]
      assert Enum.sort(actual) == [81..94]

    test "seed range 79 14 with soil-to-fertilizer" do
      # - 81..94 compare with 51..51 -> nothing
      # - 81..94 compare with 52..53 -> nothing
      # - 81..94 compare with 0..14  -> nothing
      # - leftovers for source->dest direct number mapping -> 81..94
      #   ->> equivalent to dest range: 81..94
      # 15...51, 52..53, 0..14
      actual = destination_ranges_for([81..94], [{0, 15, 37}, {37, 52, 2}, {39, 0, 15}])
      assert Enum.sort(actual) == [81..94]

    test "seed range 79 14 with fertilizer-to-water" do
      # - 81..94 compare with 53..60 -> nothing
      # - 81..94 compare with 11..52 -> nothing
      # - 81..94 compare with 0..6   -> nothing
      # - 81..94 compare with 7..10  -> nothing
      # - leftovers for source->dest direct number mapping -> 81..94
      #   ->> equivalent to dest range: 81..94
      actual =
        destination_ranges_for([81..94], [{49, 53, 8}, {0, 11, 42}, {42, 0, 7}, {57, 7, 4}])

      assert Enum.sort(actual) == [81..94]

    test "seed range 79 14 with water-to-light" do
      # - 81..94 compare with 18..24 -> nothing
      # - 81..94 compare with 25..94 -> source is 81..94
      #   ->> turn into dest equiv: 
      assert 81 == 25 + 56
      assert 94 == 25 + 69
      # so its 56 to 69 
      # (18 + 56)..(18 + 69)
      # - leftovers for source->dest direct number mapping -> nothing
      actual = destination_ranges_for([81..94], [{88, 18, 7}, {18, 25, 70}])
      assert Enum.sort(actual) == [(18 + 56)..(18 + 69)]
      assert Enum.sort(actual) == [74..87]

    test "seed range 79 14 with light-to-temperature" do
      # - 74..87 compare with 77..99 -> source is 77..87
      #   ->> turn into dest equiv: 
      assert 77 == 77 + 0
      assert 87 == 77 + 10
      # so its 0 to 10 
      # (45 + 0)..(45 + 10)
      # - 74..76 compare with 45..63 -> nothing
      # - 74..76 compare with 64..76 -> source is 74..76
      #   ->> turn into dest equiv: 
      assert 74 == 64 + 10
      assert 76 == 64 + 12
      # so its 10 to 12 
      # (68 + 10)..(68 + 12)
      # - leftovers for source->dest direct number mapping -> nothing
      actual = destination_ranges_for([74..87], [{45, 77, 23}, {81, 45, 19}, {68, 64, 13}])
      assert Enum.sort(actual) == [(45 + 0)..(45 + 10), (68 + 10)..(68 + 12)]
      assert Enum.sort(actual) == [45..55, 78..80]

    test "seed range 79 14 with temperature-to-humidity" do
      # - 45..55 compare with 69..69 -> nothing
      # - 45..55 compare with 0..68 -> source is 45..55
      #   ->> turn into dest equiv: 
      assert 45 == 0 + 45
      assert 55 == 0 + 55
      # so its 45 to 55 
      # (1 + 45)..(1 + 55)
      # - leftovers for source->dest direct number mapping -> nothing

      # - 78..80 compare with 69..69 -> nothing
      # - 78..80 compare with 0..68 -> nothing
      # - leftovers for source->dest direct number mapping -> 78..80
      actual = destination_ranges_for([45..55, 78..80], [{0, 69, 1}, {1, 0, 69}])
      assert Enum.sort(actual) == [(1 + 45)..(1 + 55), 78..80]
      assert Enum.sort(actual) == [46..56, 78..80]

    test "seed range 79 14 with humidity-to-location" do
      # - 46..56 compare with 56..92 -> source is 56..56
      #   ->> turn into dest equiv: 
      assert 56 == 56 + 0
      assert 56 == 56 + 0
      # so its 0 to 0 
      # (60 + 0)..(60 + 0)
      # - 46..55 compare with 93..96 -> nothing
      # - leftovers for source->dest direct number mapping -> 46..55

      # - 78..80 compare with 56..92 -> source is 78..80
      #   ->> turn into dest equiv: 
      assert 78 == 56 + 22
      assert 80 == 56 + 24
      # so its 22 to 24
      # (60 + 22)..(60 + 24)
      # - nothing left compare with 93..96 -> nothing
      # - leftovers for source->dest direct number mapping -> nothing
      actual = destination_ranges_for([46..56, 78..80], [{60, 56, 37}, {56, 93, 4}])
      assert Enum.sort(actual) == [46..55, (60 + 0)..(60 + 0), (60 + 22)..(60 + 24)]
      assert Enum.sort(actual) == [46..55, 60..60, 82..84]

  # describe "gaps/2" do
  #   test "gaps/2 for left overlap" do
  #     actual = gaps(10..20, 15..25)
  #     assert actual == [10..14, 21..25]
  #   end

  #   test "gaps/2 for left overlap by 1 value" do
  #     actual = gaps(10..20, 20..25)
  #     assert actual == [10..19, 21..25]
  #   end

  #   test "gaps/2 for right overlap" do
  #     actual = gaps(15..25, 10..20)
  #     assert Enum.sort(actual) == [10..14, 21..25]
  #   end

  #   test "gaps/2 for right overlap by 1 value" do
  #     actual = gaps(20..25, 10..20)
  #     assert actual == [10..19, 21..25]
  #   end

  #   test "gaps/2 for left fully contained" do
  #     actual = gaps(15..20, 10..25)
  #     assert Enum.sort(actual) == [10..14, 21..25]
  #   end

  #   test "gaps/2 for left fully contained but equal on one side" do
  #     actual = gaps(15..20, 15..25)
  #     assert Enum.sort(actual) == [21..25]

  #     actual = gaps(15..25, 10..25)
  #     assert Enum.sort(actual) == [10..14]
  #   end

  #   test "gaps/2 for left fully contained but 1-off on one side" do
  #     actual = gaps(16..20, 15..25)
  #     assert Enum.sort(actual) == [15..15, 21..25]

  #     actual = gaps(15..24, 10..25)
  #     assert Enum.sort(actual) == [10..14, 25..25]
  #   end

  #   test "gaps/2 for right fully contained" do
  #     actual = gaps(10..25, 15..20)
  #     assert Enum.sort(actual) == [10..14, 21..25]
  #   end

  #   test "gaps/2 for right fully contained but equal on one side" do
  #     actual = gaps(15..25, 15..20)
  #     assert Enum.sort(actual) == [21..25]

  #     actual = gaps(10..25, 15..25)
  #     assert Enum.sort(actual) == [10..14]
  #   end

  #   test "gaps/2 for right fully contained but 1-off on one side" do
  #     actual = gaps(15..25, 16..20)
  #     assert Enum.sort(actual) == [15..15, 21..25]

  #     actual = gaps(10..25, 15..24)
  #     assert Enum.sort(actual) == [10..14, 25..25]
  #   end

  #   test "gaps/2 for both equal" do
  #     actual = gaps(10..20, 10..20)
  #     assert Enum.sort(actual) == []
  #   end
  # end

  describe "minimum_distance/1" do
    test "correct calculates" do
      actual = minimum_distance([46..55, 60..60, 82..84])
      assert minimum_distance([46..55, 60..60, 82..84]) == 46


Solution - Part 2

# source_range = 57..69
# equiv_source_range_for_dest_range = 53..60
# Range.disjoint?(source_range, equiv_source_range_for_dest_range)

# source_range = 57..69
# source_to_dest_map = [{49, 53, 8}, {0, 11, 42}, {42, 0, 7}, {57, 7, 4}]
# PartTwo.overlap_ranges_tuple(source_range,source_to_dest_map)