Day 9: Rope Bridge
Mix.install([{:kino, "~> 0.8.0"}, {:kino_bumblebee, "~> 0.1.0"}, {:exla, "~> 0.4.1"}],
config: [nx: [default_backend: EXLA.Backend]]
input = Kino.Input.textarea("Please insert your input")
moves =
|> String.split(["\n", " "], trim: true)
|> Enum.chunk_every(2)
|> [dir, count] -> {dir, String.to_integer(count)} end)
Part 1 - Tailgating
defmodule Tailgater do
defp move_x("R"), do: 1
defp move_x("L"), do: -1
defp move_x(_), do: 0
defp move_y("U"), do: 1
defp move_y("D"), do: -1
defp move_y(_), do: 0
def delta_tx(dx, _) when dx <= -2, do: 1
def delta_tx(dx, _) when dx >= 2, do: -1
# diagonal moves
def delta_tx(-1, -2), do: 1
def delta_tx(1, -2), do: -1
def delta_tx(1, 2), do: -1
def delta_tx(-1, 2), do: 1
def delta_tx(_, _), do: 0
defp delta_ty(_, dy) when dy <= -2, do: 1
defp delta_ty(_, dy) when dy >= 2, do: -1
# diagonal moves
defp delta_ty(-2, -1), do: 1
defp delta_ty(-2, 1), do: -1
defp delta_ty(2, 1), do: -1
defp delta_ty(2, -1), do: 1
defp delta_ty(_, _), do: 0
def move([], _, _, visited), do: visited
def move([{cmd, 1} | moves], {hx, hy}, {tx, ty}, visited) do
# move head to new pos
new_hx = hx + move_x(cmd)
new_hy = hy + move_y(cmd)
new_tx = tx + delta_tx(tx - new_hx, ty - new_hy)
new_ty = ty + delta_ty(tx - new_hx, ty - new_hy)
new_visited = MapSet.put(visited, {new_tx, new_ty})
move(moves, {new_hx, new_hy}, {new_tx, new_ty}, new_visited)
def move([{cmd, n} | moves], h, t, visited) do
move([{cmd, 1}, {cmd, n - 1} | moves], h, t, visited)
Tailgater.move(moves, {0, 0}, {0, 0},[{0, 0}])) |> Enum.count()
Part 2: Rope snaps
This level beat me…, got the solution from mario melo’s github