Elixir Image Object Detection
{:image_detection, github: "elixir-image/image_detection"},
{:kino, "~> 0.9"},
This livebook is based upon a talk on object detection by @hansihe at the Warsaw Elixir meeting in March 2023.
The demo is based upon a development version of the image_detection library that uses the techniques presented by @hansihe which is also based upon:
- image for image processing
- axon for machine learning model execution
axon_onnx for leveraging prebuild
models -
req for downloading the
# Download the Yolo v8n model
model_path = Path.join(System.tmp_dir!(), "yolov8n.onnx")
unless File.exists?(model_path) do
output: model_path
uploaded_image = Kino.Input.image("Image in which to detect objects")
# Create a `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0` from the input
{:ok, image} =
|> Kino.Input.read()
|> Image.from_kino()
# Now run image detection on the image
# This step just runs object detection and
# return a mapping from object classes
# to bounding boxes
bounding_boxes = Image.Detection.detect(image, model_path)
Rendering Bounding Boxes
Now that the objects have been detected we have a mapping from object name (standard Coco object classes) to a list of bounding boxes where those objects were detected. Using this data we can:
- Know how many objects of what type have been detected
- Render bounding boxes on the original image
# How many people were detected?
|> Map.get("person")
|> length()
# Lets draw the bounding boxes with labels on the
# original image.
Image.Detection.draw_bbox_with_labels(bounding_boxes, image)