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Searching movies on IMDb


Searching movies on IMDb

  {:req, "~> 0.2.0"},
  {:floki, "~> 0.32.0"},
  {:kino, "~> 0.6.1"}


In this notebook we’re gonna scrape and show some data from IMDb, we will use req for fetching the content, floki for parsing HTML and kino for presenting the final results.

Finding the movie

Let’s start with adding a search input, so that we can easily change the parameters later:

search = Kino.Input.text("Search", default: "Inception")

We are ready do scrape some content, first we need to hit the search page and find movies matching the search.

search = search |> Kino.Input.read() |> String.trim()

query = %{"q" => search}

%{body: body} = Req.get!("https://www.imdb.com/find?" <> URI.encode_query(query))

search_result =
  |> Floki.parse_document!()
  |> Floki.find(".findList .findResult a")
  |> case do
    [] ->

    [a | _] ->
      [path] = Floki.attribute(a, "href")
      {:ok, "https://www.imdb.com" <> path}

We take the first result, which should correspond to the best match.

Fetching movie details

Having found a matching movie, we can get more specific data from the actual movie page!

movie_result =
  with {:ok, movie_url} <- search_result do
    %{body: body} = Req.get!(movie_url, headers: ["accept-language": "en-US"])

    doc = Floki.parse_document!(body)

    title =
      |> Floki.find(~s{[data-testid="hero-title-block__title"]})
      |> Floki.text()

    plot =
      |> Floki.find(~s{[data-testid="plot-xl"]})
      |> Floki.text()

    image_url =
      |> Floki.find(~s{[data-testid="hero-media__poster"] img})
      |> Floki.attribute("src")
      |> case do
        [url] -> url
        _ -> "https://media2.giphy.com/media/llfVoXzlEppScDN9V5/200.gif"

    {:ok, %{url: movie_url, title: title, plot: plot, image_url: image_url}}

Presenting the data

Finally, with all information at hand, we can present it nicely to the user by using Kino.Markdown:

markdown =
  case movie_result do
    :error ->
      "No movie found :<"

    {:ok, movie} ->
      # #{movie.title}

      #{movie.plot}. [Read more](#{movie.url})



That’s it! Note that the last cell says “Reevaluates automatically”, to see it in action go ahead and edit the search input. The result will update automatically. We effectively prototyped a tiny application, directly in Livebook!