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Rule engine in Elixir - Rete


Rule engine in Elixir - Rete

  {:neural_bridge, git: "https://github.com/lorenzosinisi/neural_bridge"}

Example 1: calculate the net salary of an employee in the UK

rules = [
    id: 1,
    given: """
    Person's salary is equal $salary
    then: """
    let $monthly_salary = div($salary, 12)
    Person's monthly_salary is $monthly_salary
    id: 2,
    given: """
    Person's monthly_salary is equal $monthly_salary
    then: """
    let $payout = mult($monthly_salary, 0.64)
    Salary's net_amount is $payout
    id: 2,
    given: """
    Salary's net_amount is equal $amount
    then: """
    Salary's net_amount is $amount

facts = """
Person's salary is 60000
Person's employment_type is "Full-time"
Person's location is "UK"

|> NeuralBridge.Session.add_rules(rules)
|> NeuralBridge.Session.add_facts(facts)
|> Map.fetch!(:inferred_facts)

Example 2: dynamic pricing

In this example, the rules calculate the discount to be applied to a customer based on the number of items they have bought in a month. The discount percentages are determined as follows:

  • If the customer has bought 5 items, the discount percentage is set to 20%.
  • If the customer has bought less than 2 items, the discount percentage is set to 0%.
  • If the customer has bought exactly 3 items, the discount percentage is set to 10%.
rules = [
    id: 1,
    given: """
    Customer's number_of_items_bought is equal 5
    then: """
    Customer's discount_percentage is 0.2
    id: 1,
    given: """
    Customer's number_of_items_bought is lesser 2
    then: """
    Customer's discount_percentage is 0.0
    id: 1,
    given: """
    Customer's number_of_items_bought is equal 3
    then: """
    Customer's discount_percentage is 0.1

facts = """
Customer's number_of_items_bought is 5

    identifier: "Customer",
    attribute: "discount_percentage",
    value: 0.2
] =
  |> NeuralBridge.Session.add_rules(rules)
  |> NeuralBridge.Session.add_facts(facts)
  |> Map.fetch!(:inferred_facts)

Example 3: loan approval

rules = [
    id: 1,
    given: """
    Applicant's credit_score is greater 700
    then: """
    Loan's approval_status is "approved"
    id: 2,
    given: """
    Applicant's credit_score is lesser 500
    then: """
    Customer's at_risk is true
    Loan's approval_status is "rejected"

facts = """
Applicant's credit_score is 499

    identifier: "Customer",
    attribute: "at_risk",
    value: true
    identifier: "Loan",
    attribute: "approval_status",
    value: "rejected"
] =
  |> NeuralBridge.Session.add_rules(rules)
  |> NeuralBridge.Session.add_facts(facts)
  |> Map.fetch!(:inferred_facts)

Example 3: workflow automation

rules = [
    id: 1,
    given: """
    SupportTicket's opening_time_hours greater 24
    SupportTicket's id is equal $ticke_id
    then: """
    SupportTicket's escalation_level "high"
    SupportTicket's escalated is $ticke_id

facts = """
SupportTicket's opening_time_hours is 25
SupportTicket's id is "123AB_ID"

    identifier: "SupportTicket",
    attribute: "escalation_level",
    value: "high"
    identifier: "SupportTicket",
    attribute: "escalated",
    value: "123AB_ID"
] =
  |> NeuralBridge.Session.add_rules(rules)
  |> NeuralBridge.Session.add_facts(facts)
  |> Map.fetch!(:inferred_facts)