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NervesHub setup


NervesHub setup

        {:nerves_hub_link, "~> 2.5.1"},
        {:kino, "~> 0.12"}
    config: [
        nerves_hub_link: [ connect: false ]

Set up with Shared Secret

Before you begin, consider using the WiFi configuration Livebook to ensure you have an Internet connection because NervesHub lives on the Internet.

To get started with NervesHub the easiest way is to go into Settings for your Product in NervesHub and generate a Shared Secret. This can then be used to connect a device to your Product and from then on you can ship firmware in luxury.

[%{status: NervesHubLink.status(), connected: NervesHubLink.connected?()}]
|> Kino.DataTable.new(
  name: "NervesHubLink status",
  keys: [:key, :value],
  sorting_enabled: false

Connect to instance

host_input = Kino.Input.text("Host") |> Kino.render()
key_input = Kino.Input.text("Product key") |> Kino.render()
secret_input = Kino.Input.password("Product secret")
host = Kino.Input.read(host_input) |> String.trim()
key = Kino.Input.read(key_input) |> String.trim()
secret = Kino.Input.read(secret_input) |> String.trim()

if host && key && secret do
  Application.put_env(:nerves_hub_link, :connect, true)
  Application.put_env(:nerves_hub_link, :configurator, NervesHubLink.Configurator.SharedSecret)
  Application.put_env(:nerves_hub_link, :host, host)
  Application.put_env(:nerves_hub_link, :shared_secret, [
    product_key: key,
    product_secret: secret

  |> IO.inspect(label: "config")
  IO.puts("Need to enter host, key and secret.")

Check the connection

[%{status: NervesHubLink.status(), connected: NervesHubLink.connected?()}]
|> Kino.DataTable.new(
  name: "NervesHubLink status",
  keys: [:status, :connected],
  sorting_enabled: false