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Configure WiFi


Configure WiFi

  {:vintage_net_wifi, "~> 0.11"},
  {:kino, "~> 0.12"}

Finding access points

Nerves uses vintage_net_wifi to configure WiFi networking. This notebook uses the quick_ functions to simplify common tasks. If you’re trying to connect to an enterprise network, this may not work for you.

Step 1 is to see what WiFi networks are available. VintageNetWiFi.quick_scan/0 returns a lot of information, so lets just show a few columns in a table. Rerun this if you don’t see your network.

networks = VintageNetWiFi.quick_scan()

|> Kino.DataTable.new(
  name: "WiFi Networks",
  keys: [:ssid, :signal_percent, :frequency, :flags],
  sorting_enabled: false

WPA3 support

A WiFi network that uses WPA3 shows up with :sae in the flags. Support for WPA3 networks depends on hardware and device driver support. Raspberry Pi’s currently do not support WPA3


Next, lets connect to one of the WiFi networks. Select the SSID and enter the password.

selectable_networks =
  [{"", "SSIDs:"}] ++ Enum.map(networks, fn network -> {network.ssid, network.ssid} end)

selected_network =
  Kino.Input.select("Select WiFi Network", selectable_networks)
  |> Kino.render()

psk_input = Kino.Input.password("Enter WiFi password")

Verify that the information is correct and then evaluate the following code block to set it.

ssid = Kino.Input.read(selected_network) |> String.trim()
psk = Kino.Input.read(psk_input) |> String.trim()

if ssid != "" do
  VintageNetWiFi.quick_configure(ssid, psk)
  IO.puts("Skipping WiFi configuration.")

Check the connection

The final step is to check whether everything worked. VintageNet.info/0 is an easy way of checking overall network connectivity on a device, so run it. Hopefully, you’ll see a section for "wlan0" and a connection status of :internet. You may need to scroll down.


Next up…

See VintageNet to learn more about networking in Nerves.