The victims of the COVID-19
{:req, "~> 0.4"},
{:explorer, "~> 0.8"},
{:kino_vega_lite, "~> 0.1"}
This notebook is based on the work of Judite Cypreste and is originally available at (in Portuguese).
We need Req in order to download the CSV files and Explorer that will be handy to transform it to a dataset. Finally VegaLite helps to render Brazilian cities provided by IBGE and Kino renders the table at the end.
Initial dataframe
filename = "covid-19/covid_full.csv"
# Only downloads the file if it doesn't exist yet.
unless File.exists?(filename) do
# This file contains all data related to cases in all cities from the country
csv = Req.get!("").body
# Req gives us an umcompressed file :)
File.write!(filename, csv)
Now we need to build the dataframe based on the CSV file that was downloaded.
require Explorer.DataFrame, as: DF
alias Explorer.Series
important_columns = [
df =
columns: important_columns,
dtypes: [{"city_ibge_code", :category}, {"last_available_deaths", :integer}]
The CSV have cumulative data, so we need to select the last rows for each city. Additionally we need to select only a few columns and drop the ones that have nil values.
df =
|> DF.filter(is_last == true and place_type == "city")
|> DF.discard(["is_last", "place_type"])
|> DF.drop_nil()
Analyzing the dataframe
# Since the lines are the last one for each city, we only arrange by the last available deaths.
df = DF.sort_by(df, desc: last_available_deaths)
Building the map
Originally the study was showing cities that had at least one death. Unfortunatelly almost all cities had deaths registered since the beginning of the pandemic. So I decided to show the deaths per 100k rate in this study.
# First we rename some columns, and then we calculate the rate.
df =
|> DF.rename(%{"city_ibge_code" => "id", "last_available_deaths" => "deaths"})
|> DF.discard([:date])
|> DF.mutate(deaths_per_100k: deaths * 100_000 / estimated_population)
deaths_per_city = DF.to_rows(df)
And finally the map is built with VegaLite.
We are fetching the TopoJSON data from this awesome service from IBGE: API de malhas geográficas V3.
alias VegaLite, as: Vl 700, height: 600)
|> Vl.data_from_url(
format: [type: :topojson, feature: "BRMU"]
|> Vl.transform(
lookup: "properties.codarea",
from: [
data: [values: deaths_per_city],
key: "id",
fields: ["deaths_per_100k", "city"]
|> Vl.projection(type: :mercator)
|> Vl.mark(:geoshape)
|> Vl.encode_field(:color, "deaths_per_100k", type: :quantitative, title: "Deaths per 100k")
|> Vl.encode(:tooltip, [
[field: "city", type: :nominal, title: "City"],
[field: "deaths_per_100k", type: :quantitative, title: "Rate"]
|> Vl.config(view: [stroke: nil])
The full list of cities and the final numbers are in the following table.
Maps for each region
Brazil is divided in 5 regions. The following maps shows the same data, but focused in each region.
defmodule MapHelper do
@features %{"N" => "GR1MU", "NE" => "GR2MU", "SE" => "GR3MU", "S" => "GR4MU", "CO" => "GR5MU"}
# It uses
def draw_region(region_code, deaths_per_city) when region_code in ~w(N NE SE S CO) do 700, height: 600)
|> Vl.data_from_url(
format: [type: :topojson, feature: Map.fetch!(@features, region_code)]
|> Vl.transform(
lookup: "properties.codarea",
from: [
data: [values: deaths_per_city],
key: "id",
fields: ["deaths_per_100k", "city"]
|> Vl.projection(type: :mercator)
|> Vl.mark(:geoshape)
|> Vl.encode_field(:color, "deaths_per_100k", type: :quantitative, title: "Deaths per 100k")
|> Vl.encode(:tooltip, [
[field: "city", type: :nominal, title: "City"],
[field: "deaths_per_100k", type: :quantitative, title: "Rate"]
|> Vl.config(view: [stroke: nil])
# North
MapHelper.draw_region("N", deaths_per_city)
# Northeast
MapHelper.draw_region("NE", deaths_per_city)
# Southeast
MapHelper.draw_region("SE", deaths_per_city)
# South
MapHelper.draw_region("S", deaths_per_city)
# Central-West
MapHelper.draw_region("CO", deaths_per_city)