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Tournament Runner Interface


Tournament Runner Interface

    {:vega_lite, "~> 0.1.7"},
    {:kino, "~> 0.9.3"}
  force: false


This Livebook is intended to be run on a personal computer. It will allow control of the Tournament Runner code running on a raspberry pi.


There are a few parameters you need to set up to run a tournament.

  1. Node name
  2. Cookie
  3. TSV file
  4. Zip file

The first two will be the same every time. You can change the defaults in this Livebook so you don’t need to change it each time. The other two are files downloaded from submissionapp.com. They are specific to each tournament.

When setting up your OS, if you kept the default host name of raspberrypi.local, then the node name will be tournament_runner@raspberrypi. Otherwise, you will need to change the name accordingly.

The cookie is an arbitrary string. It must match exactly. Generally the cookie is to be kept secret. You can find the cookie by downloading the release file tournament_runner.tar.gz. After decompressing that file, you’ll find the cookie at releases/COOKIE. You may change the cookie if you want.

The TSV file must be the list of all entries, not the list of all amiibo, downloaded from submissionapp.com.

The zip file also comes from submissionapp.com. It contains all the bins to use in the tournament.

default_node = "tournament_runner@raspberrypi"

node_input = Kino.Input.text("Node name", default: default_node) |> Kino.render()
cookie_input = Kino.Input.text("Cookie", default: default_cookie) |> Kino.render()
tsv_input = Kino.Input.file("TSV file") |> Kino.render()
zip_input = Kino.Input.file("Bin zip file") |> Kino.render()

{zip, tournament_name} =
  case Kino.Input.read(zip_input) do
    nil ->
      raise "No zip file"

    %{client_name: name, file_ref: ref} ->
      tournament_name = String.trim_trailing(name, ".zip")
      path = Kino.Input.file_path(ref)
      bin = File.read!(path)
      {bin, tournament_name}

tsv =
  case Kino.Input.read(tsv_input) do
    nil ->
      raise "No TSV file"

    %{file_ref: ref} ->
      |> Kino.Input.file_path()
      |> File.read!()

inputs = %{
  cookie: cookie_input |> Kino.Input.read() |> String.to_atom(),
  node: node_input |> Kino.Input.read() |> String.to_atom(),
  zip: zip,
  tsv: tsv,
  tournament_name: tournament_name


At this point the Livebook will attempt to connect your raspberry pi. If it doesn’t return true, then one of the following went wrong:

  • Your node name or cookie are wrong.
  • Your raspberry pi isn’t running the Tournament Runner app.
  • Your personal computer and raspberry pi aren’t connected to the same network.
true = Node.set_cookie(inputs.cookie)
true = Node.connect(inputs.node)

Copy Files

Next, the files are copied to the raspberry pi.

dir = Path.join("/home/pi", tournament_name)
tsv_path = Path.join(dir, "#{tournament_name}-entries.tsv")
zip_path = Path.join(dir, "bins.zip")

Node.spawn(inputs.node, File, :mkdir_p, [dir])
# Wait a second to ensure the directory is created before writing to it.
Node.spawn(inputs.node, File, :write!, [tsv_path, inputs.tsv])
Node.spawn(inputs.node, File, :write!, [zip_path, inputs.zip])
Node.spawn(inputs.node, System, :cmd, ["unzip", ["-n", "-d", dir, zip_path]])


Configure Tournament

Now you need to configure the details of your tournament. You can choose single or double elimination. There are currently two drivers: standard 1v1 and Squad Strike. Both are limited to best of 1 for now.

options = [type: "single elimination"]
# options = [type: "double elimination"]
driver = TournamentRunner.Driver.SquadStrike
# driver = TournamentRunner.Driver.Match1v1

# Manually create the struct so we don't need to import the entire library just to send it.
storage = %{__struct__: TournamentRunner.Storage, dir: dir, module: driver}

Create Tournament

This is where the real magic begins. The following cells will send commands to the raspberry pi to set up your tournament. If you have already created the tournament, do not re-run these steps. Otherwise, a new tournament will be set up and the raspberry pi will lose track of the other tournament.

This first cell creates the tournament in Challonge. Make sure it gets created before continuing. Challonge can be finicky.

Node.spawn(inputs.node, driver, :create_tournament, [storage, options])

Second, we add all the participants. This data is pulled from the TSV file that was copied to the raspberry pi. After adding the participants, look over the bracket and make sure it looks good. You may want to shuffle the participants through the Challonge web interface.

Node.spawn(inputs.node, driver, :add_participants, [storage])

Third, we tell Challonge to mark the tournament as started. Again, make sure you have looked over the bracket. Once started, the bracket can’t be changed.

Node.spawn(inputs.node, driver, :start_tournament, [storage])

Run Tournament

The final step is to start the tournament. You may pause the tournament and resume it again later. Just make sure to not create a new tournament instead when you go to resume.

Before resuming make sure you are already on the appropriate start screen. Specifically the smash mode character selection screen fo 1v1 or the Squad Strike character selection screen for Squad Strike.

Also, make sure you have already selected the appropriate rule set. If your first match fails to load, the app will be terminated to try to get back to a good state. This may cause your ruleset to change to the previously used one.

Node.spawn(inputs.node, driver, :resume, [storage])

Pause Tournament

If you need to pause the tournament, you just need to clear the command queue. The Tournament Runner app will finish the current match, if one is running, then stop.

Node.spawn(inputs.node, TournamentRunner.CommandQueue, :clear, [])