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Object detection by YOLOv7


Object detection by YOLOv7

  {:nx, "~> 0.2.1"},
  {:kino, "~> 0.6.2"},
  {:onnx_interp, github: "shoz-f/onnx_interp"},
  {:cimg, github: "shoz-f/cimg_ex"}

0.Original work

Chien-Yao Wang, Alexey Bochkovskiy, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao
“YOLOv7: Trainable bag-of-freebies sets new state-of-the-art for real-time object detectors”

Ibai Gorordo (@ibai_gorordo)
“YOLOv7 ONNX Converson(Google Colab)”

Thanks a lot!!!

Implementation with OnnxInterp in Elixir

1.Prepare the onnx model

Use Ibai’s jupyter notebook (URL above) to get the converted YOLOv7 onnx model from the Pytorch model. You put the model into the livebook home directory. And also you download the coco.label file and put it in the livebook directory.

> cd livebook
> cp down-load-directory/yolov7.onnx .
> wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shoz-f/onnx_interp/main/demo_yolo7/coco.label

2.Defining the inference module: DemoYolo7

  • Model
    Standard Model: YOLOv7.onnx converted from Pytorch model.

  • Pre-processing:
    Resize the input image to the size of @yolo7_shape and create a Float32 binary sequence normalized to the range {0.0, 1.0}, NCHW.

  • Post-processing:
    Split the output tensor f32[18900][85] into class scores and bounding boxes and sieve the inference results by the score value threshold and NMS.

defmodule DemoYolo7 do
  # use OnnxInterp, model: Helper.model(), label: Helper.label()
  use OnnxInterp, model: "./yolov7.onnx", label: "./coco.label"

  @yolo7_shape {640, 480}

  def apply(img) do
    # preprocess
    bin = img
      |> CImg.resize(@yolo7_shape)
      |> CImg.to_binary([{:range, {0.0, 1.0}}, :nchw])

    # prediction
    outputs =
      |> OnnxInterp.set_input_tensor(0, bin)
      |> OnnxInterp.invoke()
      |> OnnxInterp.get_output_tensor(0)
      |> Nx.from_binary({:f, 32}) |> Nx.reshape({:auto, 85})

    # postprocess
    boxes  = extract_boxes(outputs, scale(img))
    scores = extract_scores(outputs)

      Nx.shape(scores), Nx.to_binary(boxes), Nx.to_binary(scores)

  defp extract_boxes(tensor, scale) do
    Nx.slice_along_axis(tensor, 0, 4, axis: 1) |> Nx.multiply(scale)

  defp extract_scores(tensor) do
    Nx.multiply(Nx.slice_along_axis(tensor, 4, 1, axis: 1), Nx.slice_along_axis(tensor, 5, 80, axis: 1))
  defp scale(img) do
    {w, h, _, _}   = CImg.shape(img)
    {wsize, hsize} = @yolo7_shape
    max(w/wsize, h/hsize)

Launch DemoYolo7.


Displays the properties of the YOLOv7 model.


3.Let’s try it

draw_object = fn builder, {name, boxes} ->
  Enum.reduce(boxes, builder, fn [_score | box], canvas ->
    [x0, y0, x1, y1] = Enum.map(box, &round(&1))

    CImg.draw_rect(canvas, x0, y0, x1, y1, {255, 0, 0})
    |> CImg.draw_text(x0, y0 - 16, name, 16, :red)

img = CImg.load("dog.jpg")

with {:ok, res} <- DemoYolo7.apply(img) do
  # draw result box
  Enum.reduce(Map.to_list(res), CImg.builder(img), &amp;draw_object.(&amp;2, &amp;1))
  |> CImg.run()
  _ -> img
|> CImg.resize({640, 480})
|> CImg.display_kino(:jpeg)

4.TIL ;-)