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Laravel Giveaway :: 2022


Laravel Giveaway :: 2022

  {:req, "~> 0.3.2"},
  {:kino, "~> 0.8.0"}


There’s a Laravel Giveaway happening where cracking a series of challenges will give you a better chance of winning.

You had to go to https://laravelgiveaway.com/2022/launch then click Join the early access list button.

You receive an email with the following:

> Hidden in the Laravel giveaway app, is an API endpoint. Using these two clues, try and locate it.

Clue #1


Literally the same picture as the Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4

Turns out Taylor’s Lambo license plate says Facade and “every Laravel developer knows this”, except for me apparently?

Clue #2


Clue #3


The last clue points to the Laravel Sanctum docs, and we can get the CSRF cookie from https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/sanctum#csrf-protection

base_url = "https://laravelgiveaway.com"

request = Req.new()
response = Req.get!(request, url: "#{base_url}/sanctum/csrf-cookie")

generate_headers = fn response ->
  token =
    Req.Response.get_header(response, "set-cookie")
    |> hd()
    |> String.split([";", "="])
    # Drop everything but the first 2
    |> Enum.drop(-8)
    |> Enum.at(1)
    |> String.replace("%3D", "=")

  # |> IO.inspect(label: "token")

  cookie =
    Req.Response.get_header(response, "set-cookie")
    |> Enum.join("; ")

  # |> IO.inspect(label: "cookie")

  # Step 2, Authentication
    {"accept", "application/json"},
    {"content-type", "application/json"},
    {"authorization", "Bearer TLtu0k5LolcB37OzTApVTzmvQ8vMcqMpmXnYiPpM"},
    {"cookie", cookie},
    {"x-xsrf-token", token}

request_headers = generate_headers.(response)
# |> IO.inspect(label: "headers")

request = Req.new()
# Step 1, Find the **api** url https://twitter.com/taylorotwell/status/1560020999378292736
url = "#{base_url}/api/facade"
# |> IO.inspect(label: "url")
# %{"static_proxy" => ["Sorry, but we are gonna need a static proxy"]}
# Step 3, include the `static_proxy` body. A facade is a static proxy
# %{"sentry_laravel_dsn" => ["Sentry.io DSN is required."]}
# Step 4, include `sentry_laravel_dsn` from https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/php/guides/laravel/
# %{"pattern" => ["The pattern field is required."]}
# Step 5, include `pattern`, Laravel uses the builder pattern heavily https://codesource.io/brief-overview-of-design-pattern-used-in-laravel/
# %{"performance_testing" => ["The performance testing field is required."]}
# Step 6, include `performance_testing`, benchmarking
# A lot of these are straight googling Laravel + parameter
# "The statamic edition must be an array."
# "errors" => %{
#   "statamic_edition" => ["The statamic edition field is required."],
#   "statamic_edition.pro" => ["Nope"]
# },
# Step 7 include nested `statamic_edition.pro` as true
# %{"ascii_commit_hash" => ["The ascii commit hash field is required."]}
# Step 8 include `ascii_commit_hash`, found via googling "ascii art laravel" https://github.com/laravel/laravel/commit/4f32cf4e653d6ae88783b4cfcd146878c1a58eb9
# %{"db_connection" => ["The db connection field is required."]}
# Step 9 include `db_connection` for Postgres
# %{"cache_driver" => ["The cache driver field is required."]}
# Step 10 include `cache_driver` for Redis

body =
    static_proxy: "facade",
    sentry_laravel_dsn: "https://examplePublicKey@o0.ingest.sentry.io/0",
    pattern: "builder",
    performance_testing: "benchmark",
    statamic_edition: %{
      pro: true
    ascii_commit_hash: "4f32cf4e653d6ae88783b4cfcd146878c1a58eb9",
    db_connection: "pgsql",
    cache_driver: "redis"
  |> IO.inspect(label: "body")

Req.post!(request, url: url, headers: request_headers, json: body).body
# |> Kino.Markdown.new()