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WorkOS + Elixir


WorkOS + Elixir

  {:workos, "~> 1.0.0"},
  {:kino, "~> 0.9.4"}

Create a client

To start using WorkOS, create a client with the API key and client ID that you copy via the WorkOS Dashboard:

client = WorkOS.client(api_key: System.fetch_env!("WORKOS_API_KEY"), client_id: System.fetch_env!("WORKOS_CLIENT_ID"))

Note that if you choose to configure WorkOS in your app config, passing a client struct is always optional.


We’ve created some inputs below to be used along the API calls. Feel free to replace these as needed!

Single Sign-On

Get Authorization URL

Generate an OAuth 2.0 authorization URL.

provider = Kino.Input.text("Provider", default: "GoogleOAuth") |> Kino.render()

redirect_uri =
  Kino.Input.text("RedirectUri", default: "example.com/sso/workos/callback") |> Kino.render()

client_id = Kino.Input.text("ClientID", default: "project_12345") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, url} =
    provider: Kino.Input.read(provider),
    redirect_uri: Kino.Input.read(redirect_uri),
    client_id: Kino.Input.read(client_id)

Get a Profile and Token

Get an access token along with the user Profile using the code passed to your Redirect URI.

code = Kino.Input.text("Code") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.SSO.ProfileAndToken{access_token: access_token, profile: profile}} =
  WorkOS.SSO.get_profile_and_token(client, Kino.Input.read(code))

Get a User Profile

Exchange an access token for a user’s Profile.

access_token = Kino.Input.text("Access Token") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.SSO.Profile{id: id}} =
  WorkOS.SSO.get_profile(client, Kino.Input.read(access_token))

Get a Connection

Get the details of an existing Connection.

connection_id = Kino.Input.text("Connection ID") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.SSO.Connection{id: id}} =
  WorkOS.SSO.get_connection(client, Kino.Input.read(connection_id))

List Connections

Get a list of all of your existing connections matching the criteria specified.

{:ok, %WorkOS.List{}} =

Delete a Connection

Delete an existing connection.

connection_id = Kino.Input.text("Connection ID") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.Empty{}} = WorkOS.SSO.delete_connection(client, Kino.Input.read(connection_id))


List Organizations

Get a list of all of your existing organizations matching the criteria specified.

{:ok, %WorkOS.List{}} =

Delete an Organization

Deletes an organization in the current environment.

organization_id = Kino.Input.text("Organization ID") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.Empty{}} = WorkOS.Organizations.delete_organization(client, Kino.Input.read(organization_id))

Get an Organization

Get the details of an existing organization.

organization_id = Kino.Input.text("Organization ID") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.Organizations.Organization{id: id}} =
  WorkOS.Organizations.get_organization(client, Kino.Input.read(organization_id))

Create an Organization

Creates a new organization in the current environment.

name = Kino.Input.text("Name") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.Organizations.Organization{id: id, name: name}} =
  WorkOS.Organizations.create_organization(client, %{
    name: Kino.Input.read(name),
    allow_profiles_outside_organization: false

Update an Organization

Updates an organization in the current environment.

name = Kino.Input.text("Name") |> Kino.render()
organization = Kino.Input.text("Organization ID") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.Organizations.Organization{id: id, name: name}} =
  WorkOS.Organizations.update_organization(client, %{
    name: Kino.Input.read(name),
    organization: Kino.Input.read(organization)

Admin Portal

Generate a Portal Link

Generate a Portal Link scoped to an Organization.

organization = Kino.Input.text("Organization") |> Kino.render()
intent = Kino.Input.text("Intent") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.Portal.Link{link: link}} =
  WorkOS.Portal.generate_link(client, %{
    organization: Kino.Input.read(organization),
    intent: Kino.Input.read(intent),

Directory Sync

Get a Directory

Get the details of an existing directory.

directory_id = Kino.Input.text("Directory ID") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.DirectorySync.Directory{id: id}} =
  WorkOS.DirectorySync.get_directory(client, Kino.Input.read(directory_id))

List Directories

Get a list of all of your existing directories matching the criteria specified.

{:ok, %WorkOS.List{}} =

Delete a Directory

Delete an existing directory.

directory_id = Kino.Input.text("Directory ID") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.Empty{}} = WorkOS.DirectorySync.delete_directory(client, Kino.Input.read(directory_id))

Get a Directory User

Get the details of an existing Directory User.

directory_user_id = Kino.Input.text("Directory User ID") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.DirectorySync.Directory.User{id: id}} =
  WorkOS.DirectorySync.get_user(client, Kino.Input.read(directory_user_id))

List Directory Users

Get a list of all of existing Directory Users matching the criteria specified.

directory_id = Kino.Input.text("Directory ID") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.List{}} =
  WorkOS.DirectorySync.list_users(client, %{
    directory: Kino.Input.read(directory_id),

Get a Directory Group

Get the details of an existing Directory Group.

directory_group_id = Kino.Input.text("Directory Group ID") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.DirectorySync.Directory.Group{id: id}} =
  WorkOS.DirectorySync.get_group(client, Kino.Input.read(directory_group_id))

List Directory Groups

Get a list of all of existing directory groups matching the criteria specified.

directory_id = Kino.Input.text("Directory ID") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.List{}} =
  WorkOS.DirectorySync.list_groups(client, %{
    directory: Kino.Input.read(directory_id),

Magic Link

Create Passwordless Session

Create a Passwordless Session for a Magic Link Connection.

email = Kino.Input.text("Email") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.Passwordless.Session{id: id, name: name}} =
  WorkOS.Passwordless.create_session(client, %{
    type: "MagicLink",
    email: Kino.Input.read(email)

Email a Magic Link

Email a user the Magic Link confirmation URL.

session_id = Kino.Input.text("Passwordless Session ID") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.Passwordless.Session.Send{}} =
  WorkOS.Passwordless.send_session(client, Kino.Input.read(session_id))


List Events

{:ok, %WorkOS.List{}} = WorkOS.Events.list_events(client, %{})

Audit Logs

Create Event

Emits an Audit Log Event.

organization_id = Kino.Input.text("Organization ID") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.Empty{}} = WorkOS.Events.create_event(client, %{
  organization_id: organization_id,
  event: %{
    "action" => "document.updated",
    "occurred_at" => "2022-09-08T19:46:03.435Z",
    "actor" => %{
      "id" => "user_1",
      "name" => "Jon Smith",
      "type" => "user"
    "targets" => [
        "id" => "document_39127",
        "type" => "document"
    "context" => %{
      "location" => "",
      "user_agent" => "Firefox"
    "metadata" => %{
      "successful" => true

Create Export

Create an Audit Log Export.

organization_id = Kino.Input.text("Organization ID") |> Kino.render()
range_start = Kino.Input.text("Range Start") |> Kino.render()
range_end = Kino.Input.text("Range End") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.AuditLogs.Export{id: id}} =
  WorkOS.AuditLogs.create_export(client, %{
    organization_id: Kino.Input.read(organization_id),
    range_start: Kino.Input.read(range_start),
    range_end: Kino.Input.read(range_end),

Get Export

Get an Audit Log Export.

audit_log_export_id = Kino.Input.text("Audit Log Export ID") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.AuditLogs.Export{id: id}} =
  WorkOS.AuditLogs.get_export(client, audit_log_export_id)

User Management

Get Authorization URL

Generate an OAuth 2.0 authorization URL.

provider = Kino.Input.text("Provider", default: "authkit") |> Kino.render()

redirect_uri =
  Kino.Input.text("RedirectUri", default: "example.com/sso/workos/callback") |> Kino.render()

client_id = Kino.Input.text("ClientID", default: "project_12345") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, url} =
    provider: Kino.Input.read(provider),
    redirect_uri: Kino.Input.read(redirect_uri),
    client_id: Kino.Input.read(client_id)

Authenticate with Password

Authenticates a user with email and password.

email = Kino.Input.text("Email") |> Kino.render()

password = Kino.Input.text("Password") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, u%WorkOS.UserManagement.Authentication{user: user}} =
  WorkOS.UserManagement.authenticate_with_password(client, %{
    email: Kino.Input.read(provider),
    password: Kino.Input.read(redirect_uri)

Authenticate an OAuth or SSO User

Authenticate a user using OAuth or an organization’s SSO connection.

code = Kino.Input.text("Code") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.UserManagement.Authentication{user: user}} =
  WorkOS.UserManagement.authenticate_with_code(client, %{
    code: Kino.Input.read(code),

Authenticate with Magic Auth

Authenticates a user by verifying a one-time code sent to the user’s email address by the Magic Auth Send Code endpoint.

code = Kino.Input.text("Code") |> Kino.render()

email = Kino.Input.text("Email") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.UserManagement.Authentication{user: user}} =
  WorkOS.UserManagement.authenticate_with_magic_auth(client, %{
    code: Kino.Input.read(code),
    email: Kino.Input.read(email),

Authenticate with Email Verification Code

When Email Verification is required in your Environment and an authentication attempt is made by a user with an unverified email address, a one-time code will automatically be sent to the user’s email address. The authenticate API returns an email verification required error, which contains a pending_authentication_token.

code = Kino.Input.text("Code") |> Kino.render()

pending_authentication_code = Kino.Input.text("Pending Authentication Code") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.UserManagement.Authentication{user: user}} =
  WorkOS.UserManagement.authenticate_with_email_verification(client, %{
    code: Kino.Input.read(code),
    pending_authentication_code: Kino.Input.read(pending_authentication_code),

Authenticate with MFA TOTP

When an authentication attempt is made by a user with an MFA Factor enrolled, the user will be required to enter a time-based-one-time-password (TOTP) each time they authenticate. This is indicated by the MFA challenge error response when calling the authenticate API.

authentication_challenge_id = Kino.Input.text("Authentication Challenge ID") |> Kino.render()

pending_authentication_code = Kino.Input.text("Pending Authentication Code") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.UserManagement.Authentication{user: user}} =
  WorkOS.UserManagement.authenticate_with_totp(client, %{
    authentication_challenge_id: Kino.Input.read(authentication_challenge_id),
    pending_authentication_code: Kino.Input.read(pending_authentication_code),

Authenticate with Selected Organization

When a user is a member of multiple organizations, they must choose which organization to sign into as part of authentication. The organization selection error is returned when this happens.

authentication_challenge_id = Kino.Input.text("Authentication Challenge ID") |> Kino.render()

organization_id = Kino.Input.text("Organization ID") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.UserManagement.Authentication{user: user}} =
  WorkOS.UserManagement.authenticate_with_selected_organization(client, %{
    authentication_challenge_id: Kino.Input.read(authentication_challenge_id),
    organization_id: Kino.Input.read(organization_id),

Send Magic Auth Code

Creates a one-time Magic Auth code and emails it to the user.

email = Kino.Input.text("Email") |> Kino.render()

:ok =
  WorkOS.UserManagement.send_magic_auth_code(client, Kino.Input.read(email))

Enroll Auth Factor

Enrolls a user in a new Factor.

user_id = Kino.Input.text("User ID") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.UserManagement.MultiFactor.EnrollAuthFactor{challenge: challenge, factor: factor}} =
  WorkOS.UserManagement.enroll_auth_factor(client, Kino.Input.read(user_id), %{
    type: "totp",

List Auth Factors

Lists the Auth Factors for a user.

{:ok, %WorkOS.List{}} =

Send Verification Email

Sends a verification email to the provided user. The verification email will contain a one-time code which can be used to complete the email verification process.

user_id = Kino.Input.text("User ID") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.UserManagement.EmailVerification.SendVerificationEmail{user: user}} =
  WorkOS.UserManagement.send_verification_email(client, Kino.Input.read(user_id))

Verify Email Code

Verifies user email using one-time code that was sent to the user.

user_id = Kino.Input.text("User ID") |> Kino.render()

code = Kino.Input.text("Code") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.UserManagement.EmailVerification.VerifyEmail{user: user}} =
  WorkOS.UserManagement.verify_email(client, Kino.Input.read(user_id), %{
    code: Kino.Input.read(code),

Send Password Reset Email

Sends a password reset email to a user.

email = Kino.Input.text("Email") |> Kino.render()

password_reset_url = Kino.Input.text("Password Reset URL") |> Kino.render()

:ok = WorkOS.UserManagement.send_password_reset_email(client, %{
    email: Kino.Input.read(email),
    password_reset_url: Kino.Input.read(password_reset_url),

Complete Password Reset

Resets user password using token that was sent to the user.

email = Kino.Input.text("Email") |> Kino.render()

password_reset_url = Kino.Input.text("Password Reset URL") |> Kino.render()

:ok = WorkOS.UserManagement.reset_password(client, %{
    token: Kino.Input.read(token),
    new_password: Kino.Input.read(new_password),

Get an Organization Membership

Get the details of an existing Organization Membership.

organization_membership_id = Kino.Input.text("Organization Membership ID") |> Kino.render()

:ok = WorkOS.UserManagement.get_organization_membership(client, Kino.Input.read(organization_membership_id))

List Organization Memberships

Get a list of all of your existing Organization Memberships matching the criteria specified.

{:ok, %WorkOS.List{}} =

Create an Organization Membership

Get a list of all of your existing Organization Memberships matching the criteria specified.

user_id = Kino.Input.text("User ID") |> Kino.render()

organization_id = Kino.Input.text("Organization ID") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.List{}} =
  WorkOS.UserManagement.create_organization_membership(client, %{
    user_id: Kino.Input.read(user_id),
    organization_id: Kino.Input.read(organization_id),

Delete an Organization Membership

Deletes an existing Organization Membership.

organization_membership_id = Kino.Input.text("Organization Membership ID") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.Empty{}} = WorkOS.UserManagement.delete_organization_membership(client, Kino.Input.read(organization_membership_id))

Get an Invitation

Get the details of an existing Invitation.

invitation_id = Kino.Input.text("Invitation ID") |> Kino.render()

:ok = WorkOS.UserManagement.get_invitation(client, Kino.Input.read(invitation_id))

List Invitations

Get a list of all of your existing Invitations matching the criteria specified.

{:ok, %WorkOS.List{}} =

Send an Invitation

Sends an Invitation to a recipient.

email = Kino.Input.text("Email") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.UserManagement.Invitation{id: id}} =
  WorkOS.UserManagement.send_invitation(client, %{
    email: Kino.Input.read(email),

Revoke an Invitation

Revokes an existing Invitation.

invitation_id = Kino.Input.text("Invitation ID") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.UserManagement.Invitation{id: id}} =
  WorkOS.UserManagement.revoke_invitation(client, Kino.Input.read(invitation_id))

Organization Domains

Get an Organization Domain

Get the details of an existing organization.

organization_domain_id = Kino.Input.text("Organization Domain ID") |> Kino.render()

:ok = WorkOS.OrganizationDomains.get_organization_domain(client, Kino.Input.read(organization_domain_id))

Create an Organization Domain

Creates a new Organization Domain.

organization_id = Kino.Input.text("Organization ID") |> Kino.render()

domain = Kino.Input.text("Domain") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.List{}} =
  WorkOS.OrganizationDomains.create_organization_domain(client, %{
    organization_id: Kino.Input.read(organization_id),
    domain: Kino.Input.read(domain),

Verify an Organization Domain

Initiates verification process for an Organization Domain.

organization_domain_id = Kino.Input.text("Organization Domain ID") |> Kino.render()

{:ok, %WorkOS.List{}} =
  WorkOS.OrganizationDomains.verify_organization_domain(client, Kino.Input.read(organization_domain_id))