One-to-One Relationships
{:jason, "~> 1.4"},
{:kino, "~> 0.9", override: true},
{:youtube, github: "brooklinjazz/youtube"},
{:hidden_cell, github: "brooklinjazz/hidden_cell"}
Home Report An Issue Blog: TagsBlog: Cover ImageReview Questions
Upon completing this lesson, a student should be able to answer the following questions.
- Why might you use a one-to-one relationship instead of adding an additional field in a table?
- How do you add an associated data structure to the form for a resource?
This is a companion reading for the Blog: Cover Image exercise. This lesson is an overview of how to work with one-to-one associations in a Phoenix application. See the example_projects/blog
project folder to contextualize the examples found throughout this lesson.
One-to-one Relationships
A one-to-one relationship is a relationship between two database tables where a single record in one table is related to a single record in the other table.
Here some of the reasons we might choose to use a one-to-one relationship instead of simply storing the data in an additional field in the same table.
- Performance: A one-to-one relationship can improve database performance by storing rarely used or expensive to retrieve data in a separate table.
Domain Design: It may make semantic sense to separate data, like a
with separate fields, into its own table. Creating an association can also ensure consistency between tables using a common resource. -
Flexibility: A one-to-one relationship allows for flexibility in changing the structure of related data without affecting the rest of the database. For example, storing user
data in a separate table allows you to add or remove profile fields without changing the structure of the mainUser
One-to-one relationships may add complexity to your database schema and may not always be the best choice, so consider trade-offs and choose the best design for your specific needs.
We use the terms belongs to and has one to describe the nature of a one-to-one relationship. Typically one resource will own another. For example a blog Post
might have one CoverImage
, and the CoverImage
belongs to the Post
In this case, the resource that belongs_to some resource stores the foreign key to the resource.
Post {
string title
string subtitle
text content
CoverImage {
string url
id post_id
Post ||--O| CoverImage: "has one/belongs to"
One-to-one relationships use a foreign key to associate one resource with another. The resource that belongs_to the parent resource in the relationship stores the foreign key.
Here’s an example of a migration that creates acover_images
with a post_id
foreign key.
defmodule Blog.Repo.Migrations.CreateCoverImages do
use Ecto.Migration
def change do
create table(:cover_images) do
add :url, :text
add :post_id, references(:posts, on_delete: :delete_all), null: false
create index(:cover_images, [:post_id])
The Schema defines the direction of the one-to-one relationship using has_one/3 and belongs_to/3.
The record that stores the foreign key should belongs_to/3 to the associated parent record.
Here’s an example of a Post
schema that has_one/3 CoverImage
has_one :cover_image, Blog.Posts.CoverImage, on_replace: :update
We set the on_replace: :update
above to update the associated cover_image
rather than :raise
an error (the default behavior) or :delete
and recreate the cover image.
See the on_replace option for a deeper explanation.
Here’s an example of a CoverImage
schema that belongs_to/3 a Post
belongs_to :post, Blog.Posts.Post
Context: Replacing Associations
When updating an association, we need to set the on_replace
behavior. In a one-to-one relationship, we might consider using the :update
behavior to simply update the associated record rather than deleting it and creating a new one. This necessitates preloading the association before updating it.
Here’s an example of preloading the association in the context.
def update_post(%Post{} = post, attrs, tags \\ []) do
|> Repo.preload(:cover_image)
|> Post.changeset(attrs, tags)
|> Repo.update()
Form Data
When creating associated data at the same time as creating the parent data, we can use inputs_for/1 to embed the associated data in the same form.
<.inputs_for :let={cover_image} field={f[:cover_image]}>
<.input type="text" field={cover_image[:url]} label="Cover Image URL" />
Here’s an example form using a cover image field in a post form.
<.simple_form :let={f} for={@changeset} action={@action}>
<.error :if={@changeset.action}>
Oops, something went wrong! Please check the errors below.
<.input field={f[:user_id]} type="hidden" value={} />
<.input field={f[:title]} type="text" label="Title" />
<.input field={f[:content]} type="text" label="Content" />
<.inputs_for :let={cover_image} field={f[:cover_image]}>
<.input type="text" field={cover_image[:url]} label="Cover Image URL" />
<.input field={f[:published_on]} type="datetime-local" label="Publish On" value={DateTime.utc_now()} />
<.input field={f[:visible]} type="checkbox" label="Visible" />
<.input field={f[:tag_ids]} type="select" label="Tags" multiple={true} options={@tag_options} />
<.button>Save Post
Submitting the form will send the associated data inside of a nested map.
"content" => "some content",
# nested cover image data
"cover_image" => %{"url" => ""},
"published_on" => "2023-05-23T19:36",
"title" => "some title",
"user_id" => "1",
"visible" => "true"
Cast Associated Data
When creating both the parent and child record at the same time, we can use the cast_assoc/3 to cast the associated data (typically from a form) into the structure the Repo
needs to insert the associated record into the database.
Here’s an example changeset in a Post
schema that casts the associated cover image data.
@doc false
def changeset(post, attrs, tags \\ []) do
|> cast(attrs, [:title, :content, :visible, :published_on, :user_id])
|> cast_assoc(:cover_image)
|> validate_required([:title, :content, :visible, :user_id])
|> unique_constraint(:title)
|> foreign_key_constraint(:user_id)
|> put_assoc(:tags, tags)
Context Tests
Generally a context should (at minimum) test the create, update, and delete behavior of a resource.
Here’s an example context test for creating a post with an associated cover image.
test "create_post/1 with image" do
valid_attrs = %{
content: "some content",
title: "some title",
cover_image: %{
url: ""
visible: true,
published_on: DateTime.utc_now(),
user_id: user_fixture().id
assert {:ok, %Post{} = post} = Posts.create_post(valid_attrs)
assert %CoverImage{url: ""} = Repo.preload(post, :cover_image).cover_image
Here’s an example context tests for updating a post image. It’s important to test the replacement behavior of associated data to ensure it behaves as expected. For example, the following test above would fail unless you’ve set the on_replace
behavior of the association in the schema.
Here’s a test for creating a new image when updating. This ensures the :cover_image
data is preloaded as seen in Context: Replacing Associations.
test "update_post/1 add an image" do
user = user_fixture()
post = post_fixture(user_id:
assert {:ok, %Post{} = post} = Posts.update_post(post, %{cover_image: %{url: ""}})
assert post.cover_image.url == ""
Here’s a test that updates an existing image.
test "update_post/1 update existing image" do
user = user_fixture()
post = post_fixture(user_id:, cover_image: %{url: ""})
assert {:ok, %Post{} = post} = Posts.update_post(post, %{cover_image: %{url: ""}})
assert post.cover_image.url == ""
Here’s an example test for deleting a post with a cover image. Since there’s likely no context functions for working with cover images directly, we’ve used Repo
to test the cover image.
test "delete_post/1 deletes post and cover image" do
user = user_fixture()
post = post_fixture(user_id:, cover_image: %{url: ""})
assert {:ok, %Post{}} = Posts.delete_post(post)
assert_raise Ecto.NoResultsError, fn -> Posts.get_post!( end
assert_raise Ecto.NoResultsError, fn -> Repo.get!(CoverImage, end
Controller Tests
Here’s an example test of testing a one-to-one relationship in a controller. This example creates a post with a cover image, and tests that the post’s cover image is found on the post show page.
test "create post with cover image", %{conn: conn} do
user = user_fixture()
conn = log_in_user(conn, user)
create_attrs = %{
content: "some content",
title: "some title",
visible: true,
published_on: DateTime.utc_now(),
cover_image: %{
url: ""
conn = post(conn, ~p"/posts", post: create_attrs)
assert %{id: id} = redirected_params(conn)
assert redirected_to(conn) == ~p"/posts/#{id}"
conn = get(conn, ~p"/posts/#{id}")
post = Posts.get_post!(id)
# post was created with cover image
assert %CoverImage{url: ""} = post.cover_image
# post cover image is displayed on show page
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ ""
Further Reading
Consider the following resource(s) to deepen your understanding of the topic.
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