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Task Supervisor


Task Supervisor

  {:jason, "~> 1.4"},
  {:kino, "~> 0.9", override: true},
  {:youtube, github: "brooklinjazz/youtube"},
  {:hidden_cell, github: "brooklinjazz/hidden_cell"}


Home Report An Issue TaskTask Drills

Review Questions

  • Why might we want to supervise a task?
  • How do we supervise tasks?

Task Supervisor

We can start Task processes under a Task.Supervisor which can dynamically supervise tasks. The supervisor will automatically restart tasks if they encounter an error.

Generally speaking, we should start Task processes under a supervisor.

> We encourage developers to rely on supervised tasks as much as possible. Supervised tasks improves the visibility of how many tasks are running at a given moment and enable a huge variety of patterns that gives you explicit control on how to handle the results, errors, and timeouts. Here is a summary: > > Using Task.Supervisor.start_child/2 allows you to start a fire-and-forget task that you don’t care about its results or if it completes successfully or not. > > Using Task.Supervisor.async/2 + Task.await/2 allows you to execute tasks concurrently and retrieve its result. If the task fails, the caller will also fail. > > Using Task.Supervisor.async_nolink/2 + Task.yield/2 + Task.shutdown/2 allows you to execute tasks concurrently and retrieve their results or the reason they failed within a given time frame. If the task fails, the caller won’t fail. You will receive the error reason either on yield or shutdown. > > * Hexdocs: Dynamically Supervised Tasks

The Task.Supervisor is started as a child under a normal supervisor. We start the Task.Supervisor as a named process using an atom or a module name.

children = [
  {Task.Supervisor, name: MyTaskSupervisor}

{:ok, supervisor_pid} =
  Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one, name: :parent_supervisor)

We don’t need to define a MyTaskSupervisor module. The supervisor uses this name to start a Task.Supervisor process. We can see that MyTaskSupervisor is a child process of our supervisor.


We can also see that demonstrated in the following diagram.


Async Tasks

Now we can spawn supervised Task processes under MyTaskSupervisor using Task.Supervisor.async/3.

task =
  Task.Supervisor.async(MyTaskSupervisor, fn ->
    IO.puts("Task Started")
    IO.puts("Task Finished")


We can spawn many tasks under the supervisor.

tasks =
  Enum.map(1..5, fn int ->
    task =
      Task.Supervisor.async(MyTaskSupervisor, fn ->
        IO.puts("Task Started")
        IO.puts("Task Finished")
        int * 2

Evaluate the diagram below to see the tasks spawned under the MyTaskSupervisor process.


We can then await the response from all of the tasks.


Fire-and-Forget Tasks

Task.Supervisor.start_child/2 allows us to start a fire-and-forget task that will perform some work without returning a response.

Task.Supervisor.start_child(MyTaskSupervisor, fn ->
  IO.puts("Fire-and-forget task started")
  IO.puts("Fire-and-forget task finished")

Re-evaluate the cell above a few times, and you’ll see several tasks under the MyTaskSupervisor.

children = Supervisor.which_children(MyTaskSupervisor)

We can provide a :restart strategy when we start a process. By default, Task.Supervisor.start_child/2 uses the :temporary :restart strategy. These Task processes will never be restarted.

{:ok, pid} =
  Task.Supervisor.start_child(MyTaskSupervisor, fn ->

|> IO.inspect(label: "Started children")

Process.exit(pid, :kill)


|> IO.inspect(label: "Children after exit")

Instead we can use the :permanent process to always restart a Task or :transient to restart a Task if it’s exit reason is not :normal, :shutdown, or {:shutdown, reason}.

See Task.Supervisor.start_child/3#options for more.

Now when we kill a Task started with the :transient strategy, notice that a new process with a different pid is started under MyTaskSupervisor.

{:ok, pid} =
    fn ->
    restart: :transient

|> IO.inspect(label: "Started children")

Process.exit(pid, :kill)


|> IO.inspect(label: "Children after exit")

Further Reading

Consider the following resource(s) to deepen your understanding of the topic.

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$ git add .
$ git commit -m "finish Task Supervisor reading"
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Home Report An Issue TaskTask Drills