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The default calendar implementation, a Gregorian calendar following ISO 8601.

This calendar implements a proleptic Gregorian calendar and is therefore compatible with the calendar used in most countries today. The proleptic means the Gregorian rules for leap years are applied for all time, consequently the dates give different results before the year 1583 from when the Gregorian calendar was adopted.

ISO 8601 compliance

The ISO 8601 specification is feature-rich, but allows applications to selectively implement most parts of it. The choices Elixir makes are catalogued below.


The standard library supports a minimal set of possible ISO 8601 features. Specifically, the parser only supports calendar dates and does not support ordinal and week formats.

By default Elixir only parses extended-formatted date/times. You can opt-in to parse basic-formatted date/times.

NaiveDateTime.to_iso8601/2 and DateTime.to_iso8601/2 allow you to produce either basic or extended formatted strings, and Calendar.strftime/2 allows you to format datetimes however else you desire.

Elixir does not support reduced accuracy formats (for example, a date without the day component) nor decimal precisions in the lowest component (such as 10:01:25,5). No functions exist to parse ISO 8601 durations or time intervals.


Elixir expects the extended format by default when parsing:


Parsing can be restricted to basic if desired:

Calendar.ISO.parse_naive_datetime("20150123T235007Z", :basic)
Calendar.ISO.parse_naive_datetime("20150123T235007Z", :extended)

Only calendar dates are supported in parsing; ordinal and week dates are not.


Years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds must be fully specified:



The parser and formatter adopt one ISO 8601 extension: extended year notation.

This allows dates to be prefixed with a + or - sign, extending the range of expressible years from the default (0000..9999) to -9999..9999. Elixir still restricts years in this format to four digits.


Calendar.ISO.parse_naive_datetime("-2015-01-23 23:50:07")
Calendar.ISO.parse_naive_datetime("+2015-01-23 23:50:07")
Calendar.ISO.parse_utc_datetime("-2015-01-23 23:50:07Z")
Calendar.ISO.parse_utc_datetime("+2015-01-23 23:50:07Z")


ISO 8601 does not allow a whitespace instead of T as a separator between date and times, both when parsing and formatting. This is a common enough representation, Elixir allows it during parsing.

The formatting of dates in NaiveDateTime.to_iso8601/1 and DateTime.to_iso8601/1 do produce specification-compliant string representations using the T separator.


Calendar.ISO.parse_naive_datetime("2015-01-23 23:50:07.0123456")
Calendar.ISO.parse_utc_datetime("2015-01-23 23:50:07.0123456Z")

Function date_to_string/4

Converts the given date into a string.

By default, returns dates formatted in the “extended” format, for human readability. It also supports the “basic” format by passing the :basic option.


Calendar.ISO.date_to_string(2015, 2, 28)
Calendar.ISO.date_to_string(2017, 8, 1)
Calendar.ISO.date_to_string(-99, 1, 31)
Calendar.ISO.date_to_string(2015, 2, 28, :basic)
Calendar.ISO.date_to_string(-99, 1, 31, :basic)

Function datetime_to_string/12

Converts the datetime (with time zone) into a string.

By default, returns datetimes formatted in the “extended” format, for human readability. It also supports the “basic” format by passing the :basic option.


time_zone = "Etc/UTC"
Calendar.ISO.datetime_to_string(2017, 8, 1, 1, 2, 3, {4, 5}, time_zone, "UTC", 0, 0)
Calendar.ISO.datetime_to_string(2017, 8, 1, 1, 2, 3, {4, 5}, time_zone, "UTC", 3600, 0)
Calendar.ISO.datetime_to_string(2017, 8, 1, 1, 2, 3, {4, 5}, time_zone, "UTC", 3600, 3600)
time_zone = "Europe/Berlin"
Calendar.ISO.datetime_to_string(2017, 8, 1, 1, 2, 3, {4, 5}, time_zone, "CET", 3600, 0)
Calendar.ISO.datetime_to_string(2017, 8, 1, 1, 2, 3, {4, 5}, time_zone, "CDT", 3600, 3600)
time_zone = "America/Los_Angeles"
Calendar.ISO.datetime_to_string(2015, 2, 28, 1, 2, 3, {4, 5}, time_zone, "PST", -28800, 0)
Calendar.ISO.datetime_to_string(2015, 2, 28, 1, 2, 3, {4, 5}, time_zone, "PDT", -28800, 3600)
time_zone = "Europe/Berlin"
Calendar.ISO.datetime_to_string(2017, 8, 1, 1, 2, 3, {4, 5}, time_zone, "CET", 3600, 0, :basic)

Function day_of_era/3

Calculates the day and era from the given year, month, and day.


Calendar.ISO.day_of_era(0, 1, 1)
Calendar.ISO.day_of_era(1, 1, 1)
Calendar.ISO.day_of_era(0, 12, 31)
Calendar.ISO.day_of_era(0, 12, 30)
Calendar.ISO.day_of_era(-1, 12, 31)

Function day_of_week/4

Calculates the day of the week from the given year, month, and day.

It is an integer from 1 to 7, where 1 is the given starting_on weekday. For example, if starting_on is set to :monday, then 1 is Monday and 7 is Sunday.

starting_on can also be :default, which is equivalent to :monday.


Calendar.ISO.day_of_week(2016, 10, 31, :monday)
Calendar.ISO.day_of_week(2016, 11, 1, :monday)
Calendar.ISO.day_of_week(2016, 11, 2, :monday)
Calendar.ISO.day_of_week(2016, 11, 3, :monday)
Calendar.ISO.day_of_week(2016, 11, 4, :monday)
Calendar.ISO.day_of_week(2016, 11, 5, :monday)
Calendar.ISO.day_of_week(2016, 11, 6, :monday)
Calendar.ISO.day_of_week(-99, 1, 31, :monday)
Calendar.ISO.day_of_week(2016, 10, 31, :sunday)
Calendar.ISO.day_of_week(2016, 11, 1, :sunday)
Calendar.ISO.day_of_week(2016, 11, 2, :sunday)
Calendar.ISO.day_of_week(2016, 11, 3, :sunday)
Calendar.ISO.day_of_week(2016, 11, 4, :sunday)
Calendar.ISO.day_of_week(2016, 11, 5, :sunday)
Calendar.ISO.day_of_week(2016, 11, 6, :sunday)
Calendar.ISO.day_of_week(-99, 1, 31, :sunday)
Calendar.ISO.day_of_week(2016, 10, 31, :saturday)

Function day_of_year/3

Calculates the day of the year from the given year, month, and day.

It is an integer from 1 to 366.


Calendar.ISO.day_of_year(2016, 1, 31)
Calendar.ISO.day_of_year(-99, 2, 1)
Calendar.ISO.day_of_year(2018, 2, 28)

Function day_rollover_relative_to_midnight_utc/0

See c:Calendar.day_rollover_relative_to_midnight_utc/0 for documentation.

Function days_in_month/2

Returns how many days there are in the given year-month.


Calendar.ISO.days_in_month(1900, 1)
Calendar.ISO.days_in_month(1900, 2)
Calendar.ISO.days_in_month(2000, 2)
Calendar.ISO.days_in_month(2001, 2)
Calendar.ISO.days_in_month(2004, 2)
Calendar.ISO.days_in_month(2004, 4)
Calendar.ISO.days_in_month(-1, 5)

Function leap_year?/1

Returns if the given year is a leap year.



Function months_in_year/1

Returns how many months there are in the given year.



Function naive_datetime_from_iso_days/1

Converts the t:Calendar.iso_days/0 format to the datetime format specified by this calendar.


Calendar.ISO.naive_datetime_from_iso_days({0, {0, 86400}})
Calendar.ISO.naive_datetime_from_iso_days({730_485, {0, 86400}})
Calendar.ISO.naive_datetime_from_iso_days({730_485, {43200, 86400}})
Calendar.ISO.naive_datetime_from_iso_days({-365, {0, 86_400_000_000}})

Function naive_datetime_to_iso_days/7

Returns the t:Calendar.iso_days/0 format of the specified date.


Calendar.ISO.naive_datetime_to_iso_days(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, {0, 6})
Calendar.ISO.naive_datetime_to_iso_days(2000, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0, {0, 6})
Calendar.ISO.naive_datetime_to_iso_days(2000, 1, 1, 13, 0, 0, {0, 6})
Calendar.ISO.naive_datetime_to_iso_days(-1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, {0, 6})

Function naive_datetime_to_string/8

Converts the datetime (without time zone) into a string.

By default, returns datetimes formatted in the “extended” format, for human readability. It also supports the “basic” format by passing the :basic option.


Calendar.ISO.naive_datetime_to_string(2015, 2, 28, 1, 2, 3, {4, 6})
Calendar.ISO.naive_datetime_to_string(2017, 8, 1, 1, 2, 3, {4, 5})
Calendar.ISO.naive_datetime_to_string(2015, 2, 28, 1, 2, 3, {4, 6}, :basic)

Function parse_date/1

Parses a date string in the :extended format.

For more information on supported strings, see how this module implements ISO 8601.



Function parse_date/2

Parses a date string according to a given format.

The format can either be :basic or :extended.

For more information on supported strings, see how this module implements ISO 8601.


Calendar.ISO.parse_date("20150123", :basic)
Calendar.ISO.parse_date("20150123", :extended)

Function parse_naive_datetime/1

Parses a naive datetime string in the :extended format.

For more information on supported strings, see how this module implements ISO 8601.


Calendar.ISO.parse_naive_datetime("2015-01-23 23:50:07")
Calendar.ISO.parse_naive_datetime("2015-01-23 23:50:07Z")
Calendar.ISO.parse_naive_datetime("2015-01-23 23:50:07-02:30")
Calendar.ISO.parse_naive_datetime("2015-01-23 23:50:07.0")
Calendar.ISO.parse_naive_datetime("2015-01-23 23:50:07,0123456")

Function parse_naive_datetime/2

Parses a naive datetime string according to a given format.

The format can either be :basic or :extended.

For more information on supported strings, see how this module implements ISO 8601.


Calendar.ISO.parse_naive_datetime("20150123 235007", :basic)
Calendar.ISO.parse_naive_datetime("20150123 235007", :extended)

Function parse_time/1

Parses a time string in the :extended format.

For more information on supported strings, see how this module implements ISO 8601.



Function parse_time/2

Parses a time string according to a given format.

The format can either be :basic or :extended.

For more information on supported strings, see how this module implements ISO 8601.


Calendar.ISO.parse_time("235007", :basic)
Calendar.ISO.parse_time("235007", :extended)

Function parse_utc_datetime/1

Parses a UTC datetime string in the :extended format.

For more information on supported strings, see how this module implements ISO 8601.


Calendar.ISO.parse_utc_datetime("2015-01-23 23:50:07Z")
Calendar.ISO.parse_utc_datetime("2015-01-23 23:50:07+02:30")
Calendar.ISO.parse_utc_datetime("2015-01-23 23:50:07")

Function parse_utc_datetime/2

Parses a UTC datetime string according to a given format.

The format can either be :basic or :extended.

For more information on supported strings, see how this module implements ISO 8601.


Calendar.ISO.parse_utc_datetime("20150123 235007Z", :basic)
Calendar.ISO.parse_utc_datetime("20150123 235007Z", :extended)

Function quarter_of_year/3

Calculates the quarter of the year from the given year, month, and day.

It is an integer from 1 to 4.


Calendar.ISO.quarter_of_year(2016, 1, 31)
Calendar.ISO.quarter_of_year(2016, 4, 3)
Calendar.ISO.quarter_of_year(-99, 9, 31)
Calendar.ISO.quarter_of_year(2018, 12, 28)

Function time_from_day_fraction/1

Converts a day fraction to this Calendar’s representation of time.


Calendar.ISO.time_from_day_fraction({1, 2})
Calendar.ISO.time_from_day_fraction({13, 24})

Function time_to_day_fraction/4

Returns the normalized day fraction of the specified time.


Calendar.ISO.time_to_day_fraction(0, 0, 0, {0, 6})
Calendar.ISO.time_to_day_fraction(12, 34, 56, {123, 6})

Function time_to_string/5

Converts the given time into a string.

By default, returns times formatted in the “extended” format, for human readability. It also supports the “basic” format by passing the :basic option.


Calendar.ISO.time_to_string(2, 2, 2, {2, 6})
Calendar.ISO.time_to_string(2, 2, 2, {2, 2})
Calendar.ISO.time_to_string(2, 2, 2, {2, 0})
Calendar.ISO.time_to_string(2, 2, 2, {2, 6}, :basic)
Calendar.ISO.time_to_string(2, 2, 2, {2, 6}, :extended)

Function valid_date?/3

Determines if the date given is valid according to the proleptic Gregorian calendar.


Calendar.ISO.valid_date?(2015, 2, 28)
Calendar.ISO.valid_date?(2015, 2, 30)
Calendar.ISO.valid_date?(-1, 12, 31)
Calendar.ISO.valid_date?(-1, 12, 32)

Function valid_time?/4

Determines if the date given is valid according to the proleptic Gregorian calendar.

Leap seconds are not supported by the built-in Calendar.ISO.


Calendar.ISO.valid_time?(10, 50, 25, {3006, 6})
Calendar.ISO.valid_time?(23, 59, 60, {0, 0})
Calendar.ISO.valid_time?(24, 0, 0, {0, 0})

Function year_of_era/1

Calculates the year and era from the given year.

The ISO calendar has two eras: the “current era” (CE) which starts in year 1 and is defined as era 1. And “before the current era” (BCE) for those years less than 1, defined as era 0.



Function year_of_era/3

Calendar callback to compute the year and era from the given year, month and day.

In the ISO calendar, the new year coincides with the new era, so the month and day arguments are discarded. If you only have the year available, you can year_of_era/1 instead.


Calendar.ISO.year_of_era(1, 1, 1)
Calendar.ISO.year_of_era(2018, 12, 1)
Calendar.ISO.year_of_era(0, 1, 1)
Calendar.ISO.year_of_era(-1, 12, 1)

Type bce

“Before the Current Era” or “Before the Common Era” (BCE), for those years less than 1.

Type ce

The “Current Era” or the “Common Era” (CE) which starts in year 1.

Type era

The calendar era.

The ISO calendar has two eras:

  • CE - which starts in year 1 and is defined as era 1.
  • BCE - for those years less than 1 and is defined as era 0.

Type microsecond

Microseconds with stored precision.

The precision represents the number of digits that must be used when representing the microseconds to external format. If the precision is 0, it means microseconds must be skipped.

Type day_of_week

Integer that represents the day of the week, where 1 is Monday and 7 is Sunday.