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Family Tree


Family Tree

  {:jason, "~> 1.4"},
  {:kino, "~> 0.9", override: true},
  {:youtube, github: "brooklinjazz/youtube"},
  {:hidden_cell, github: "brooklinjazz/hidden_cell"}


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Family Tree

Maps allow you to create tree like structures using keys and values. Thus it’s possible to make a family tree. In the Elixir cell below, create a family tree that is a map.

flowchart BT

c1 --> p1
c1 --> p2
p1 --> p1g1
p1 --> p1g2
p2 --> p2g1
p2 --> p2g2

The map will start as a person with a :name, :age, :status, and :parents keys.

  • name is string.
  • age is an integer.
  • status will be an atom of :child, :parent, or :grandparent.
  • parents should be a list of maps with their own :name, :age, :status, and :parents keys.

In the Elixir cell below, create a map that represents the following family tree diagram.

    direction BT
    class Arthur {
        name: "Arthur"
        status: :child
        age: 22
    class Uther {
        name: "Uther"
        status: :parent
        age: 56
    class Ygraine {
        name: "Ygraine"
        status: :parent
        age: 45
    class Han {
        name: "Han"
        status: :grand_parent
        age: 81
    class Leia {
        name: "Leia"
        status: :grand_parent
        age: 82
    class Bob {
        name: "Bob"
        status: :grand_parent
        age: 68
    class Bridget {
        name: "Bridget"
        status: :grand_parent
        age: 70

    Arthur --> Uther
    Arthur --> Ygraine
    Ygraine --> Bob
    Ygraine --> Bridget
    Uther --> Han
    Uther --> Leia

Example solution

This is an example of nested data.

  name: "Arthur",
  status: :child,
  age: 22,
  parents: [
      name: "Uther",
      status: :parent,
      age: 56,
      parents: [
        %{name: "Han", status: :grand_parent, age: 81},
        %{name: "Leia", status: :grand_parent, age: 82}
      name: "Ygraine",
      status: :parent,
      age: 68,
      parents: [
        %{name: "Bob", status: :grand_parent, age: 68},
        %{name: "Bridget", status: :grand_parent, age: 70}

You might also consider extracting each family member as its own variable.

han = %{name: "Han", status: :grand_parent, age: 81}
leia = %{name: "Leia", status: :grand_parent, age: 82}
bob = %{name: "Bob", status: :grand_parent, age: 68}
bridget = %{name: "Bridget", status: :grand_parent, age: 70}

uther = %{name: "Uther", status: :parent, age: 56, parents: [han, leia]}
ygraine = %{name: "Ygraine", status: :parent, age: 68, parents: [bob, bridget]}

arthur = %{name: "Arthur", status: :child, age: 22, parents: [uther, ygraine]}

family_tree = arthur

Enter your solution below.

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Run git status to ensure there are no undesirable changes. Then run the following in your command line from the curriculum folder to commit your progress.

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "finish Family Tree exercise"
$ git push

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