ElixirZone: Metaprogramming Elixir - James Lavin
No videos for 7 1/2 months?!?! Are you dead?
Fortunately, I’m NOT dead.
My job keeps me very busy
I’ve slowed down on ElixirZone to spend more of my nights and weekends building a product I’ve wanted to build for a decade.
I love preparing and sharing ElixirZone videos with you (though recording & editing is less fun) and really appreciate your appreciative, positive feedback, but my side project is even more exciting.
You promised us software scalability insights from biology!
This will also be slower than planned due to pouring most of my free time into my side project.
I have continued to learn from and be amazed by biology and know it holds many lessons for scaling computational systems.
If you’re interested, here are some great resources I have enjoyed:
- Michael Levin (I’ve read a ton of his research and watched a bunch of his Youtube videos… mind-blowing stuff manipulating biology to understand how it works, how to program it, and how collective behavior and intelligence arises), e.g., Intelligence Beyond the Brain: Morphogenesis as an Example of the Scaling of Basal Cognition
- Nick Lane (mitochondria and the evolution of life… I’ve bought all his books and watched a number of his lectures. Also mind-blowing), e.g., How Does Chemistry Come Alive?
- Robert Signer (aging) & Shiri Gur-Cohen (stem cells), e.g. A Closer Look at….Aging
- Steve Strogatz (synchronization), e.g., The Story of Sync
- Veronica O’Keane, How We Make Memories and How Memories Make Us
- Donna Jackson Nakazawa, The Angel and the Assassin
- Peter M. Hoffman, Life’s Ratchet (recommended by an ElixirZone subscriber. Thanks!)
- Paul G. Falkowski, Life’s Engines
- Beronda L. Montgomery, Lessons from Plants
- Carl Zimmer, Life’s Edge
- Lee Know, Mitochondria and the Future of Medicine
- Steven Strogatz, Sync
- Nick Lane, Power, Sex, Suicide (this prof is amazing… has authored a handful of great books)
- Mark Humphries, The Spike
- Athena Aktipis, The Cheating Cell
- Benjamin Bikman, Why We Get Sick
- Merlin Sheldrake, Entangled Life
- Antonio Damasio, The Strange Order of Things
- Jeremy DeSilva, First Steps
- Walter Isaacson, The Code Breaker
- Dean Buonomano, Your Brain Is a Time Machine
- Alex Bezzerides, Evolution Gone Wrong
- Giulia Enders, Gut
- Michael Pollan, Cooked
- Frans de Waal, Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are? (another amazing prof with multiple fabulous books)
- Oliver Sacks, The Mind’s Eye (another prolific researcher/author)
- Alex Korb, The Upward Spiral
- Matthew Walker, Why We Sleep
- Vivek H. Murthy, Together
- Daniel E. Lieberman, Exercised
Elixir metaprogramming… Words of encouragement
Metaprogramming: “abus[ing] Elixir syntax for fun and profit” (Chris McCord, Metaprogramming Elixir, p. 104)
Metaprogramming is powerful but hard/confusing/frustrating to learn.
You won’t understand it all the first (or second or third) time through.
Learning metaprogramming is like seeing “Magic Eye” (https://www.magiceye.com/) the first time. Just keep staring and you’ll eventually get it!
Just keep watching videos and reading blog posts, Chris McCord’s book, etc., and you’ll slowly get there!
Elixir metaprogramming… Words of warning
You may not need this!
- You can go very far with Elixir without deep knowledge of metaprogramming/macros (or OTP/concurrency)
The benefits of metaproogramming & concurrency * are baked into popular and powerful libraries and frameworks. E.g.:
- Phoenix lets you spin up millions of simultaneous & completely isolated web socket connections by leveraging OTP
- Phoenix lets you create routes dynamically through its easy-to-use DSL built with metaprogramming
Phoenix lets you generate powerful functions into your controllers with a single call to
- Phoenix’s HEEx templates are another powerful DSL
- Ecto’s power and simplicity derive from its DSL, possible through metaprogramming
Learning metaprogramming requires contorting your brain in unfamiliar ways.
- Learning (for me) requires seeing a bunch of examples
- “Use it or lose it”
Image below from Mark Lewis Tweet: https://twitter.com/marklewismd/status/1576677683408228353?s=20&t=PaaLKiq_z2NxWGVehdSTUw
I’m NOT an expert. I’ve done metaprogramming but only a tiny fraction as often as the true experts have.
This talk will RAMBLE ON AND ON because:
Metaprogramming is hard to grasp, so covering the same ground multiple times from multiple perspectives should help you grasp the concepts more fully
I’m too lazy to organize this rambling material better
EXPERTS are folks like these, who have done 10,000x as much metaprogramming as I have:
[DELETED: Photo of Wojtek & my son engaged in a serious ping pong battle at our house]
Maybe one of these true experts will record an expert-level metaprogramming video???
Would be great, but they’ve already given us SO much. Just an idea… NOT a request!
If I’m no expert, why am I presenting this?
We make excuses for not taking chances and putting ourselves out there, but we should…
My Excuse | Why It’s Lame | Implication For You |
I don’t know everything and will waste people’s time | Having just SOME knowledge can be an ADVANTAGE in teaching… Curse of Knowledge | Each of YOU knows things well enough to teach those who know less |
I don’t know everything and don’t want to embarrass myself | “Imposter Syndrome” is very real. I know enough to help non-expert metaprogrammers | Most of us suffer from “imposter syndrome” and perfectionism. Don’t let them win. Share what you DO know |
The world is crumbling all around us | Rising fascism, global warming/climate collapse, and Russia’s invasion & crimes against humanity in Ukraine are mostly beyond my control | Each of us should try to make the world better and happier however we can, especially when things are bleak. Don’t cower at the size of the challenge. Do what you can and others will do what they can |
I’ve been working on something super cool and de-prioritized this | Okay, but it has been 7 1/2 months | Prioritize & balance your life. Avoid going 100% on any one area |
The Tweets that got me off my butt to finish this after 7+ months in mothballs:
Additional resources
Elixir documentation:
- https://elixir-lang.org/getting-started/meta/quote-and-unquote.html
- https://elixir-lang.org/getting-started/meta/macros.html
- https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/1.14/Code.html
- https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/1.14/Macro.html
- https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/1.14/Macro.Env.html
- https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/1.14.0/Module.html
- https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/1.14/Kernel.SpecialForms.html
- https://repo.hex.pm/guides/elixir/meta-programming-in-elixir.epub
- https://dockyard.com/blog/2016/08/16/the-minumum-knowledge-you-need-to-start-metaprogramming-in-elixir
- Six blog posts by the great Saša Jurić
- https://www.crustofcode.com/tag/macros/
Jia Hao Woo:
- https://blog.appsignal.com/2021/09/07/an-introduction-to-metaprogramming-in-elixir.html
- https://blog.appsignal.com/2021/10/05/under-the-hood-of-macros-in-elixir.html
- https://blog.appsignal.com/2021/10/26/how-to-use-macros-in-elixir.html
- https://blog.appsignal.com/2021/11/16/pitfalls-of-metaprogramming-in-elixir.html
- Chris McCord’s Metaprogramming Elixir book
- Dave Thomas’s Programming Elixir book’s chapter on metaprogramming
- https://github.com/JamesLavin/my_tech_resources/blob/master/Elixir.markdown#elixir—macros
- https://github.com/JamesLavin/my_tech_resources/blob/master/Elixir.markdown#elixir—metaprogramming
decompile (Michał Muskała)
This works from the top-level of a Phoenix app, creating a decompiled Elixir.SiliconBrainWeb.Router.ex
file in my top-level directory:
mix decompile Elixir.SiliconBrainWeb.Router --to expanded
My compiled code is much larger than my source code:
routes.ex: 118 lines, including comments:
compiled routes.ex file: 2,180 lines:
consumed.ex: 711 lines, including comments, docs, and examples:
compiled consumed.ex: 1,463 lines:
Compile two simple macro-calling files
defmodule UnlessTrue do
defmacro unless(boolean_exp, do: false_case) do
quote do
if !unquote(boolean_exp), do: unquote(false_case)
Calling this macro from another module modifies the compiled code of the calling module:
Even though the compiled module’s function body could be replaced with
, the code is not executed at compilation time:
Here, the return value of the function cannot be known until runtime because it depends on a runtime argument value:
Examples from Elixir’s Kernel module (slightly simplifed)
and Kernel.SpecialForms
contain many macros
Elixir.Kernel == :"Elixir.Kernel" &&
Kernel == Elixir.Kernel
defmacro !value do
quote do
case unquote(value) do
x when :"Elixir.Kernel".in(x, [false, nil]) -> true
_ -> false
defmacro !{:!, _, [value]} do
quote do
case unquote(value) do
x when :"Elixir.Kernel".in(x, [false, nil]) -> false
_ -> true
defmacro if(condition, clauses) do # clauses is a keyword list, e.g. [do: ..., else: ...]
build_if(condition, clauses)
defp build_if(condition, do: do_clause) do
build_if(condition, do: do_clause, else: nil)
defp build_if(condition, do: do_clause, else: else_clause) do
quote do
case unquote(condition) do
x when :"Elixir.Kernel".in(x, [false, nil]) -> unquote(else_clause)
_ -> unquote(do_clause)
AST literals
33 ==
quote do
"thirty-three" == quote do: "thirty-three"
:thirty_three == quote do: :thirty_three
[33, 29, 11] == quote do: [33, 29, 11]
{:ok, 33} == quote do: {:ok, 33}
Some Elixir types that aren’t passed through to AST unmodified
quote do: %{cat: "bad", dog: "good"}
# tuples with > 2 elements
quote do: {1, 2, 3}
quote do: x
quote do: Pizza
quote do: Food.Pizza
quote do
defmodule Food.Cake do
quote do
def my_fun do
quote do: true and false
quote do: !true
quote do: x in [1, 2]
x = 8
quote do: x in [1, 2]
x = 8
quote do
x in [1, 2]
|> Code.eval_quoted(x: 2)
# macro hygiene: No pollution of namespaces/environments/contexts
# unquote/1 allows reaching outside the AST's scope
x = 8
quote do
unquote(x) in [1, 2]
|> Code.eval_quoted()
# macro hygiene: No pollution of namespaces/environments/contexts
# Kernel.var!/2 "marks that a variable should not be hygienized"
# @spec eval_quoted(Macro.t(), binding(), Macro.Env.t() | keyword())
# :: {term(), binding()}
x = 8
quote do
var!(x) in [1, 2]
|> Code.eval_quoted(x: 2)
# special atom: Module name
defmodule SampleModule do
SampleModule == :"Elixir.SampleModule"
quote do: SampleModule
quote(do: if(true, do: 1, else: 0))
|> Macro.expand(__ENV__)
quote do
defmodule MyMod do
def my_fun do
|> Macro.expand(__ENV__)
Why aren’t 2-element tuples modified?
Keeping 2-element tuples unchanged in their AST representations makes keyword lists much easier to read:
quote do: [{:red_sox, :good}, {:yankees, :evil}]
quote do: [red_sox: :good, yankees: :evil]
The above is much cleaner AST than this:
quote do: [{:red_sox, :good, :fenway_park}, {:yankees, :evil, :yankees_stadium}]
Code.eval_quoted(quoted, binding, opts)
quote(do: 17 + 18) |> Code.eval_quoted()
quote do
17 + 18
|> Code.eval_quoted()
|> elem(0)
Code.string_to_quoted/2 converts a string into AST (the “abstract syntax tree” representation of that same Elixir code).
The string representation “17” converts into the INTEGER 17, not the STRING “17”:
"17" |> Code.string_to_quoted()
"17" |> Code.string_to_quoted() |> elem(1)
To represent the STRING “17” within a string, we must either pass it into Integer.to_string()
or wrap it within (escaped) quotation marks:
"17 |> Integer.to_string()" |> Code.string_to_quoted() |> elem(1)
"17 |> Integer.to_string()"
|> Code.string_to_quoted()
|> elem(1)
|> Code.eval_quoted()
|> elem(0)
"\"17\"" |> Code.string_to_quoted() |> elem(1)
We can REVERSE the operation Code.string_to_quoted()
using Macro.to_string()
"17 |> Integer.to_string()"
|> Code.string_to_quoted()
|> elem(1)
|> Macro.to_string()
|> Code.string_to_quoted()
|> elem(1)
|> Macro.to_string()
quote(opts, block)
You can transform Elixir code into its AST representation using quote()
, (i.e., Kernel.SpecialForms.quote(opts, block)
quote do: 3 + 4
quote(do: 3 + 4) |> Macro.to_string()
quote(do: 3 + 4) |> Macro.to_string() |> Code.string_to_quoted!()
Metaprogramming is writing code that creates other code.
transforms Elixir code into an Elixir AST (abstract syntax tree).
Manipulating Elixir AST lets us interact with the code-generation process in a manner impossible in most languages.
For example, Logger
can inspect code at compilation time and completely remove debugging code intended only to run in dev
mode or above a certain log level.
Another example: we can use macros to create DSLs (domain-specific languages), as Ecto
and Phoenix
We can also create new “language primitives ‘missing’ from Elixir,” like while
. Elixir primitives like defmodule
, def
, and if
are all macros, not ordinary functions.
quote do: 17 + 18
Structure of this 3-element tuple:
{function call, context, [arguments]}
All AST expressions have this shape
17 + 18
is syntactic sugar for Kernel.+(17,18)
, which is why the AST has :+
as the function, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel]
as the context, and [17, 18]
as arguments
quote do: 7 + 8
quote do
7 + 8
|> Code.eval_quoted()
|> elem(0)
(Aside) Weird display of charlists (character lists)
[67, 97, 116]
[67, 97, 116] |> is_list()
[67, 97, 116] |> List.Chars.to_charlist()
[67, 97, 116] |> List.to_string()
# See https://elixir-lang.org/getting-started/binaries-strings-and-char-lists.html#charlists
# for why this is so weird
# Erlang & Elixir try to help us by displaying lists of numbers as characters
# whenever possible, even if we intend the numbers to just be numbers.
# Character lists != Strings
{?\a, ?\b, ?\r, ?\s, ?a, ?b, ?c, ?A, ?B, ?C}
[7, 8] |> List.Chars.to_charlist()
'\a\b' == [7, 8]
# Character lists != Strings
'\a\b' != "\a\b"
{:+, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel], [7, 8]} ==
{:+, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel], '\a\b'}
quote do: [1000, 1001, 1002]
{?P, ?i, ?z, ?z, ?a}
quote do: [80, 105, 122, 122, 97]
[?P, ?i, ?z, ?z, ?a] |> List.to_string()
'efg' == [101, 102, 103]
# character list (from Erlang) != string (from Elixir)
'efg' != "efg"
"efg" |> IEx.Info.info()
'efg' |> IEx.Info.info()
[1000, 1001, 1002] |> IEx.Info.info()
z = [4, 5, 6]
quote do: [1, 2, 3, unquote(z), 7, 8]
z = [4, 5, 6]
quote do: [1, 2, 3, unquote_splicing(z), 7, 8]
quote do: 17 + 18
quote(do: 17 + 18)
|> Macro.to_string()
quote do
[1, 2, 3]
|> Enum.map(&(&1 + 1))
quote do
[1, 2, 3]
|> Enum.map(&(&1 + 1))
|> Macro.to_string()
# The above represented a calculation without triggering the actual calculation.
# This is "lazy evaluation."
# The code for the calculation need not even be calculatable at compile time:
quote do
[user_input_a, user_input_b, user_input_c]
|> Enum.map(&(&1 + 1))
|> Macro.to_string()
quote do: x * y * z
quote(do: x * y * z)
|> Macro.to_string()
Deeply nested AST
quote do
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6
|> IO.inspect()
An Elixir program in its AST representation is a large (but structurally simple) tree of nested 3-element tuples
Variables & macro hygiene
quote do
Whatever happened outside quote
is invisible inside quote
x = 3
quote do
To explicitly pull values from outside quote
into it (at compile time), you can use unquote/1
x = 3
quote do
y = 7
quote do: unquote(y)
To explicitly pull values from outside quote
into it from its variable bindings at runtime, you can use var!/1
Here I’m also passing in an optional keyword list for use only when evaluating this particular quoted expression:
quote do
x: 17
The above has NOT changed the value of x
outside of the quoted expression:
The following grabs the values of x
and y
at compilation but does not run the calculation defined in the AST returned by quote
x = 3
y = 4
quote do
unquote(x) + unquote(y)
x = 3
y = 4
quote do
unquote(x) + unquote(y)
|> Code.eval_quoted()
|> elem(0)
x = 3
y = 4
quote do
x = unquote(x)
y = unquote(y)
x = x * x
y = y * y
x + y
|> Code.eval_quoted()
|> elem(0)
What happens inside quote
stays inside quote
and y
are still 3
and 4
, not 9
and 16
%{x: x, y: y}
Break macro hygiene at runtime with var!/1
If you want your macro to modify a variable’s value outside the macro, you can do so by assigning to var!(x)
x = 3
y = 4
defmodule MyMultiply do
defmacro mult(x, y) do
quote do
var!(x) = unquote(x) * unquote(x)
var!(y) = unquote(y) * unquote(y)
var!(x) + var!(y)
The return value is still 25:
require MyMultiply
MyMultiply.mult(x, y)
|> Code.eval_quoted()
But we have now permanently changed the values bound to the variables x
and y
in the scope outside the macro:
%{x: x, y: y}
Use bind_quoted instead of quote
In the above example, we called unquote(x)
twice and unquote(y)
This is a bad practice. One reason why is inefficiency. More importantly, if the parameter passed into unquote/1
is an impure function, you will be evaluating it multiple times.
This would be highly inefficient if the expression were, say, a database lookup.
It could be disastrous if the expression included a side effect like fire_the_missiles()
The preferred way to bind variables is using bind_quoted
We can (and should) rewrite the module above as follows:
x = 3
y = 4
defmodule MyMultiply2 do
defmacro mult(x, y) do
quote bind_quoted: [x: x, y: y] do
var!(x) = x * x
var!(y) = y * y
var!(x) + var!(y)
require MyMultiply2
MyMultiply2.mult(x, y)
|> Code.eval_quoted()
Because we chose to assign x * x
to var!(x)
, rather than to x
and y * y
to var!(y)
, rather than to y
, we permanently modified these values outside the context of the macro. We could easily avoid var!/1
to preserve macro hygiene.
%{x: x, y: y}
Macro.escape for values
quote do
{:a, :b, :c}
this_val = {:a, :b, :c}
quote do
# Macro.escape() tranforms Elixir values --> AST values
this_val |> Macro.escape()
this_val_ast = this_val |> Macro.escape()
quote do
# This fails to compile because a 3-tuple is not valid AST:
# defmodule BestTeam do
# tuple = {:man_city, :haaland, :guardiola}
# def football do
# unquote(tuple)
# end
# end
defmodule BestTeam do
tuple = {:man_city, :haaland, :guardiola}
tuple_ast = tuple |> Macro.escape()
def football do
defmodule Human do
@enforce_keys [:name, :age]
defstruct name: nil, age: 0
@type t :: %__MODULE__{name: String.t(), age: non_neg_integer}
mary = %Human{name: "Mary", age: 28}
IO.inspect(mary, structs: false)
quote do
%Human{name: "Mary", age: 28}
quote do
mary |> Macro.escape()
quote do
%{__struct__: Human, age: 28, name: "Mary"}
escaped = mary |> Macro.escape()
quote do
defmacro is_struct(term) do
quote do
is_map(unquote(term)) and
:erlang.is_map_key(:__struct__, unquote(term)) and
is_atom(:erlang.map_get(:__struct__, unquote(term)))
# %{__struct__: Human, age: 28, name: "Mary"}
term = %Human{age: 28, name: "Mary"}
is_map(term) and
:erlang.is_map_key(:__struct__, term) and
is_atom(:erlang.map_get(:__struct__, term))
term_as_ast =
{:%{}, [], [__struct__: {:__aliases__, [alias: false], [:Human]}, age: 28, name: "Mary"]}
quoted =
quote do
is_map(unquote(term_as_ast)) and
:erlang.is_map_key(:__struct__, unquote(term_as_ast)) and
is_atom(:erlang.map_get(:__struct__, unquote(term_as_ast)))
quoted |> Code.eval_quoted() |> elem(0)
{is_struct(mary), is_struct(mary, Human), is_struct(mary, Ecto.Changeset)}
%{a: 1}
|> Map.update!(:a, &(&1 + 2))
|> tap(&IO.inspect(&1.a))
|> Map.update!(:a, &(&1 * 2))
defmacro tap(value, fun) do
quote bind_quoted: [fun: fun, value: value] do
_ = fun.(value)
unquote fragments
defmodule FooBar do
kv = [foo: 1, bar: 2]
Enum.each(kv, fn {k, v} ->
def unquote(k)(), do: unquote(v)
FooBar.foo() + FooBar.bar()
defmodule FooBar2 do
kv = [foo: 1, bar: 2]
Enum.each(kv, fn {k, v} ->
def unquote(k)(extra \\ 0), do: unquote(v) + extra
FooBar2.foo() + FooBar2.bar()
FooBar2.foo(2) + FooBar2.bar(-4)
What is a metaprogramming… and why should I care?
Why learn metaprogramming?
Understand Elixir itself, most of which is created using Elixir macros
, etc. -
is defined usingdefmacro
! (Don’t ask me how!)
Extend the Elixir syntax with declarative functions that keep your code clean/sparse
was only recently added, but you could have added it long ago
Debug with greater confidence
- When debugging, we’ll often wander into macros and other metaprogramming. The more familiar you are with these techniques, the better equipped you’ll be to debug your problem.
Create functions dynamically, perhaps from data in a file
- Example: functions to generate Unicode functions (e.g., capitalize) dynamically from Unicode file
Create your own DSLs (domain-specific languages):
- Phoenix
- Ecto
- HEEX templates, Surface
- https://rdf-elixir.dev/
- https://github.com/Revmaker/gremlex
Create reusable compile-time code by extracting code you wish to
in multiple modules into a code block dynamically injectable via thedefmacro __using__(opts)
macro -
Optimize your code:
The compiler can simplify or optimize your code based on opts passed in at compliation time
If you specify a log level of
calls will be compiled into your code, butLogger.info
calls will not
If you specify a log level of
The compiler can simplify or optimize your code based on opts passed in at compliation time
Compilation-time code generation from external files
See Chris McCord’s “Metaprogramming Elixir” book, pages 43-58, for additional explanation.
Unicode.ex generates String.Unicode:
String.Unicode constituted from functions generated from .txt files:
See Chris McCord’s “Metaprogramming Elixir” pp. 48-49 for more.
Compilation-time code generation from API responses
In Chris McCord’s “Metaprogramming Elixir” book, pages 59-61, he shows a 20-line module that dynamically creates an Elixir function for displaying all Github repos owned by a user and dynamically creates two functions per repo, one for displaying all details of the repo and the other for opening the repo in your browser.
Compilation-time code elimination
Before invoking a macro, you must require