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What's new in Livebook 0.8


What’s new in Livebook 0.8

    {:kino, "~> 0.8.0"},
    {:nx, "~> 0.4.1"},
    {:stb_image, "~> 0.6.0"},
    {:axon, "~> 0.3.1"},
    {:kino_bumblebee, "~> 0.1.0"},
    {:exla, "~> 0.4.1"},
    {:kino_slack, "~> 0.1.0"},
    {:req, "~> 0.3.3"},
    {:kino_maplibre, "~> 0.1.7"},
    {:kino_vega_lite, "~> 0.1.7"},
    {:explorer, "~> 0.4.0"}
  config: [nx: [default_backend: EXLA.Backend]]


The highlight of Livebook 0.8 was the new Neural Network Smart cell. But there are many other exciting updates included as well.

This notebook showcases ten of the most noteworthy features released with Livebook 0.8.

New mechanism for tracking how cells depend on each other

# Cell 1
x = 1
# Cell 2
y = 1
# Cell 3
z = 1

Look how cell 4 below depends on cell 1 and cell 2 above, but doesn’t depend on cell 3. And notice how cell 4 simulates a computation that takes some time to finish.

# Cell 4 contains some computation that takes a long time to compute
Process.sleep(5 * 1000)
x + y

Before Livebook 0.8, if you changed cell 3, cell 4 would become stale, even though cell 4 didn’t depend on cell 3. And you’d need to reevaluate it.

With Livebook 0.8, when you change cell 3, Livebook knows that although cell 4 is subsequent to cell 3, it doesn’t depend on it, so it doesn’t mark cell 4 as stale anymore.

Automatic execution of doctests

Whenever you evaluate a cell that contains a module definition with doctests, Livebook will automatically run those doctests for you and will show you the output.

defmodule Fib do
  @doc ~S"""
    Calculates the Fibonnaci number.

    ## Examples
      iex> Fib.fib(0)

      iex> Fib.fib(1)

      iex> Fib.fib(2)

      iex> Fib.fib(3)
  def fib(0), do: 0
  def fib(1), do: 1
  def fib(n), do: fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

Render math in on-hover documentation

Now, the on-hover documentation also supports math documentation (based on KaTeX).

Try hovering over the layer_norm function below.

defmodule Math do
  @doc ~S"""
  $$x = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a}$$
  def quadratic_square_root, do: nil

Or hover over the quadratic_square_root function below.


View and delete secrets in the sidebar

Livebook 0.7 introduced secret management. A solution to help you manage sensitive data used by your notebooks, like passwords and API keys.

With this new release, you can also view and delete those secrets in the notebook sidebar.


Support for image input

This new release comes with a new input that allows the user of your notebook to upload images:

input = Kino.Input.image("Image")
value = Kino.Input.read(input)
if value.format == :rgb do
  |> Nx.from_binary(:u8)
  |> Nx.reshape({value.height, value.width, 3})
  |> StbImage.from_nx()

Visualization of nested data as a tree view


You can now visualize and inspect nested data in a tree view:

|> Kino.Tree.new()

Neural Network Smart cell

That new Smart cell allows you to run various machine learning models directly in Livebook with just a few clicks. Here’s an example of a text classification model:

{:ok, model_info} =
  Bumblebee.load_model({:hf, "finiteautomata/bertweet-base-emotion-analysis"},
    log_params_diff: false

{:ok, tokenizer} = Bumblebee.load_tokenizer({:hf, "vinai/bertweet-base"})

serving =
  Bumblebee.Text.text_classification(model_info, tokenizer,
    compile: [batch_size: 1, sequence_length: 100],
    defn_options: [compiler: EXLA]

text_input = Kino.Input.textarea("Text", default: "Oh wow, I didn't know that!")
form = Kino.Control.form([text: text_input], submit: "Run")
frame = Kino.Frame.new()

|> Kino.Control.stream()
|> Kino.listen(fn %{data: %{text: text}} ->
  Kino.Frame.render(frame, Kino.Markdown.new("Running..."))
  output = Nx.Serving.run(serving, text)

  |> Enum.map(&{&1.label, &1.score})
  |> Kino.Bumblebee.ScoredList.new()
  |> then(&Kino.Frame.render(frame, &1))

Kino.Layout.grid([form, frame], boxed: true, gap: 16)

We talked more about it in the Announcing Bumblebee: GPT2, Stable Diffusion, and more in Elixir blog post.

Slack Message Smart cell

The Slack Smart cell allows you to send a message to a Slack channel.

Geocoding in Map Smart cell

With the new updates in the Map Smart cell, besides inserting geodata as latitude and longitude, you can also use the names of countries, states, cities, counties, and streets.

MapLibre.new(center: {-53.2, -10.3333333}, zoom: 3)
|> MapLibre.add_geocode_source("sao_paulo_state", "São Paulo", :state)
|> MapLibre.add_geocode_source("sao_paulo_city", "São Paulo", :city)
|> MapLibre.add_layer(
  id: "sao_paulo_state_fill_1",
  source: "sao_paulo_state",
  type: :fill,
  paint: [fill_color: "#050505", fill_opacity: 0.7]
|> MapLibre.add_layer(
  id: "sao_paulo_city_fill_2",
  source: "sao_paulo_city",
  type: :fill,
  paint: [fill_color: "#e1ef25", fill_opacity: 1]

More options to configure charts with the Chart Smart Cell

Bin config

iris = Explorer.Datasets.iris()

You can now toggle the bin config to discretize numeric values into a set of bins. This is useful for creating histograms, for example. Here’s how it works:

VegaLite.new(width: 600, height: 300)
|> VegaLite.data_from_values(iris, only: ["sepal_length", "sepal_width"])
|> VegaLite.mark(:bar)
|> VegaLite.encode_field(:x, "sepal_length", type: :quantitative, bin: true)
|> VegaLite.encode_field(:y, "sepal_width", type: :quantitative)

Scheme color config

You can now choose your chart’s color from a set of named color palettes.

VegaLite.new(width: 600, height: 300)
|> VegaLite.data_from_values(iris, only: ["sepal_length", "sepal_width", "species"])
|> VegaLite.mark(:bar)
|> VegaLite.encode_field(:x, "sepal_length", type: :quantitative, bin: true)
|> VegaLite.encode_field(:y, "sepal_width", type: :quantitative)
|> VegaLite.encode_field(:color, "species", scale: [scheme: "pastel1"])

Scale config

Let’s use an example from https://www.statology.org/when-to-use-log-scale/, it shows where a log scale would be useful. And we can set a log scale using the new scale config.

Suppose we make a $100,000 investment in a stock that grows at 6% per year.

investment_principal = 100_000
annual_interest_rate = 6 / 100
years = 1..30

data =
  |> Enum.map(fn year ->
    value = investment_principal * Float.pow(1 + annual_interest_rate, year - 1)
    %{year: year, value: value}

Here’s what a line chart of the investment would look like over a 30-year period on a linear scale:

VegaLite.new(width: 600, height: 300)
|> VegaLite.data_from_values(data, only: ["year", "value"])
|> VegaLite.mark(:line)
|> VegaLite.encode_field(:x, "year", type: :ordinal)
|> VegaLite.encode_field(:y, "value", type: :quantitative, scale: [type: :linear])

This chart is useful for visualizing how much the investment value changes in raw dollars each year, but suppose we’re more interested in understanding the percentage growth of the investment.

In this case, it would be useful to convert the y-axis to a log scale. You can use the scale config for that.

VegaLite.new(width: 600, height: 300)
|> VegaLite.data_from_values(data, only: ["year", "value"])
|> VegaLite.mark(:line)
|> VegaLite.encode_field(:x, "year", type: :quantitative)
|> VegaLite.encode_field(:y, "value", type: :quantitative, scale: [type: :log])

Using this chart, we can see that the percentage change in the investment value has been constant every year during the 30-year period.