Gamedrop Web App
# Don't forget to start pizzeria
# iex --sname gamedrop --cookie gamedropcookie -S mix phx.server
Load The Data
We can load our gamedrop database using a migration
alias Gamedrop.Migrations.Seeds
Make a Prediction
alias Gamedrop.Ml.Predictor, as: ML
alias Scholar.NaiveBayes.Complement
{model, opts} = ML.model_state()
x = ML.to_x(%{budget: 3, game_types: ["Adventure", "Arcade"]}, opts)
Complement.predict(model, x) |> Nx.to_list() |> List.first()
Pick Top N Predictions
Complement.predict_probability(model, x)
|> Nx.to_flat_list()
|> Enum.with_index()
|> Enum.sort(fn {a, x}, {b, y} ->
if a == b do
x < y
a > b
|> Enum.take(5)
Using Gamedrop
Let’s get the top prediction
alias Gamedrop.Ml.Worker
Worker.predict(%{"budget" => 3, "game_types" => ["Adventure", "Arcade"]})
Or the top 5 predictions.
Worker.predict(%{"budget" => 1, "game_types" => ["Adventure"]}, 5)