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  {:kino, "~> 0.7.0"}


input = Kino.Input.textarea("Input")


defmodule Examples do
  @moduledoc """
  Holds examples listed in the assignment text
  def example_1, do: ["noop", "addx 3", "addx -5"]

  def example_2,
    do: [
      "addx 15",
      "addx -11",
      "addx 6",
      "addx -3",
      "addx 5",
      "addx -1",
      "addx -8",
      "addx 13",
      "addx 4",
      "addx -1",
      "addx 5",
      "addx -1",
      "addx 5",
      "addx -1",
      "addx 5",
      "addx -1",
      "addx 5",
      "addx -1",
      "addx -35",
      "addx 1",
      "addx 24",
      "addx -19",
      "addx 1",
      "addx 16",
      "addx -11",
      "addx 21",
      "addx -15",
      "addx -3",
      "addx 9",
      "addx 1",
      "addx -3",
      "addx 8",
      "addx 1",
      "addx 5",
      "addx -36",
      "addx 1",
      "addx 7",
      "addx 2",
      "addx 6",
      "addx 1",
      "addx 7",
      "addx 1",
      "addx -13",
      "addx 13",
      "addx 7",
      "addx 1",
      "addx -33",
      "addx 2",
      "addx 8",
      "addx -1",
      "addx 2",
      "addx 1",
      "addx 17",
      "addx -9",
      "addx 1",
      "addx 1",
      "addx -3",
      "addx 11",
      "addx 1",
      "addx 1",
      "addx -13",
      "addx -19",
      "addx 1",
      "addx 3",
      "addx 26",
      "addx -30",
      "addx 12",
      "addx -1",
      "addx 3",
      "addx 1",
      "addx -9",
      "addx 18",
      "addx 1",
      "addx 2",
      "addx 9",
      "addx -1",
      "addx 2",
      "addx -37",
      "addx 1",
      "addx 3",
      "addx 15",
      "addx -21",
      "addx 22",
      "addx -6",
      "addx 1",
      "addx 2",
      "addx 1",
      "addx -10",
      "addx 20",
      "addx 1",
      "addx 2",
      "addx 2",
      "addx -6",
      "addx -11",


This implements the entire CRT logic, part 1 and 2.

There are doctests for the examples listed in the task. For the final doctest, we assert the CRT screen is printed correctly. I don’t know of a better way to assert the value of a multiline print.

Part 1

Initial implementation for this was done where the processor wasn’t stepping through every cycle and was instead jumping by cycle amount.

Parsing the two instructions was easy enough, so it was a matter of doing the correct initial values and making sure the logic follows the rules.

Part 2

Updating the screen needed to happen once per cycle, so the part 1 solution was modified to explicitly step through every single cycle.

Once that was done, updating the screen correctly was a matter of figuring out logic around register and screen indices based on cycle.

defmodule CRT do
  defstruct register: 1,
            cycles: 1,
            signals: [],
            screen: [
              Enum.map(0..39, fn _ -> "." end),
              Enum.map(0..39, fn _ -> "." end),
              Enum.map(0..39, fn _ -> "." end),
              Enum.map(0..39, fn _ -> "." end),
              Enum.map(0..39, fn _ -> "." end),
              Enum.map(0..39, fn _ -> "." end)

  @doc """
  Process a list of instructions

  ## Examples

    iex> Examples.example_1 |> CRT.process() |> Map.take([:register, :cycles])
    %{register: -1, cycles: 6}

    iex> Examples.example_2 |> CRT.process() |> Map.take([:register, :cycles, :signals, :total])
      register: 17, 
      cycles: 241,
      signals: [
        %{cycle: 20, register: 21, strength: 420}, 
        %{cycle: 60, register: 19, strength: 1140}, 
        %{cycle: 100, register: 18, strength: 1800}, 
        %{cycle: 140, register: 21, strength: 2940}, 
        %{cycle: 180, register: 16, strength: 2880}, 
        %{cycle: 220, register: 18, strength: 3960}
      total: 13140
  def process(instructions) do
    IO.puts("START OF PROGRAM!")

    |> Enum.reduce(%__MODULE__{register: 1, cycles: 1}, fn instruction, crt ->
      # prints output similar to one in example

      sprite = [crt.register - 1, crt.register, crt.register + 1]

      position =
        Enum.map(0..39, fn i ->
          if(i in sprite, do: "#", else: ".")

      IO.puts("\nSprite position: #{position}\n")

      IO.puts("Start cycle #{crt.cycles}: begin executing #{instruction}")

      # actual processing

      cost = get_cycles(instruction)
      cycles = crt.cycles + cost

      # iterate cycle by cycle and update screen
      screen =
        Enum.reduce(crt.cycles..(cycles - 1), crt.screen, fn c, s ->
          update_screen(s, c, crt.register)

      # update register based on instruction

      register = parse(instruction, crt.register)

      # maybe track signal level

      signals =
        case track_signal(crt.cycles, cycles, crt.register, register) do
          nil -> crt.signals
          signal -> crt.signals ++ [signal]

        "End of cycle #{crt.cycles}: " <>
          "Finish executing #{instruction} (Register X is now #{register})"

      %{crt | cycles: cycles, screen: screen, register: register, signals: signals}

  defp get_cycles("noop"), do: 1
  defp get_cycles("addx" <> _), do: 2

  defp parse("noop", register), do: register

  defp parse("addx " <> amount_str, register) do
    register + String.to_integer(amount_str)

  # start of next cycle is exactly the signal measuring cycle
  # so we track the value at the end of processing (start of next cycle)
  defp track_signal(_, new_c, _, new_r) when new_c == 20 or rem(new_c - 20, 40) == 0 do
    %{cycle: new_c, register: new_r, strength: new_r * new_c}

  # fort next two clauses the measuring cycle was during processing of 
  # current instruction so we track value at the start of processing 

  # this clause is for the cycle 20 measurement
  defp track_signal(old_c, new_c, old_r, _) when old_c < 20 and new_c > 20 do
    %{cycle: 20, register: old_r, strength: old_r * 20}

  # this clause is for all other measurements
  defp track_signal(old_c, new_c, old_r, _) when div(old_c - 20, 40) != div(new_c - 20, 40) do
    cycle = div(new_c - 20, 40) * 40 + 20
    %{cycle: cycle, register: old_r, strength: old_r * cycle}

  defp track_signal(_, _, _, _), do: nil

  # the assignment doesn' specify what happens when the screen rolls over 
  # after the first frame, so the function only does updates before we
  # reach that point
  defp update_screen(screen, cycles, register) when cycles < 280 do
    row = cycles |> div(40) |> rem(6)
    col = rem(cycles, 40) - 1

    screen_row = Enum.at(screen, row)
    sprite = [register - 1, register, register + 1]

    if col in sprite do
      new_screen_row = List.replace_at(screen_row, col, "#")
      IO.puts("During cycle #{cycles}: CRT draws pixel in position #{col}")
      IO.puts("Current ROW row: #{new_screen_row}")
      List.replace_at(screen, row, new_screen_row)

  defp update_screen(screen, _, _), do: screen

  @doc """
  Renders CRT screen into text

  This is then intended to be printed either via `IO.puts/1` or `Kernel.inspect/2`.

  ## Examples

    iex> Examples.example_2 |> CRT.process() |> CRT.render() |> inspect(pretty: true)
    ~S("##..##..##..##..##..##..##..##..##..##..\\n) <>
     ~S(###...###...###...###...###...###...###.\\n) <>
     ~S(####....####....####....####....####....\\n) <>
     ~S(#####.....#####.....#####.....#####.....\\n) <>
     ~S(######......######......######......###.\\n) <>
  def render(%CRT{screen: screen}) do
    |> Enum.map(&amp;Enum.join(&amp;1, ""))
    |> Enum.join("\n")

Part 1

|> Kino.Input.read()
|> String.split("\n")
|> CRT.process()
|> Map.get(:signals)
|> Enum.take(6)
|> Enum.map(&amp; &amp;1.strength)
|> Enum.sum()

Part 2

result =
  |> Kino.Input.read()
  |> String.split("\n")
  |> CRT.process()

IO.puts("\n ---------- \n")

|> CRT.render()
|> IO.puts()