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  {:kino, github: "livebook-dev/kino", override: true},
  {:kino_lab, "~> 0.1.0-dev", github: "jonatanklosko/kino_lab"},
  {:vega_lite, "~> 0.1.4"},
  {:kino_vega_lite, "~> 0.1.1"},
  {:benchee, "~> 0.1"},
  {:ecto, "~> 3.7"},
  {:math, "~> 0.7.0"},
  {:faker, "~> 0.17.0"},
  {:utils, path: "#{__DIR__}/../utils"}


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Maps are another type of associative data structure. In fact maps are the common go-to for a key-value data structure. You can create a map using %{}. Similar to keyword lists they can have atoms as keys and then any value.

%{key: "value"}

However, unlike keyword lists, keys must be unique; otherwise they will be overwritten. Elixir is very helpful and provides a warning to let us know we’re overriding a duplicate key.

%{duplicate_key: "value1", duplicate_key: "value2"}

Unlike keyword lists, maps do not guarantee key order, which is why you’ll notice the returned value of the map below does not have the same order as the map created.

%{one: "one", two: "two", three: "three"}

Unlike keyword lists, maps can have any values as the key. Commonly you will see atom-key maps

%{atom_key: "value"}

And also string-key maps.

%{"string key" => "value"}

However, the key to a map could be anything! even another map! You will need to use the => symbol though, not a colon :. => is an equals sign = and a greater than symbol >.

%{[1,2,3] => "value"}
%{%{example: "my_example"} => "value"}
%{1 => "value"}

Your Turn

In the Elixir cell below, create a map with string keys and any value. Replace nil with your answer.

map = nil

Utils.feedback(:string_key_map, map)

Create a map with atom keys and any value. Replace nil with your answer.

map = nil

Utils.feedback(:atom_key_map, map)

Create a map with a non-string or atom key and any value. Replace nil with your answer.

map = nil

Utils.feedback(:non_standard_key_map, map)

Manipulating Maps

Unlike the other data types, there aren’t specific map operators. To manipulate maps we use a different tool called the Map module, which you will learn more about in a future lesson.

For now, it’s enough to know that you can access values in an atom-key map using a few different methods.

Accessing Map Values

You can retrieve values in a map using map.key notation like so. This only works for maps with atom keys.

%{key: "value"}.key

Alternatively, you can access the map value using square bracket notation [key].

%{key: "value"}[:key]

Bracket notation is especially useful for maps with non-atom keys.

%{"key" => "value"}["key"]
%{1 => "value"}[1]

With map.key notation, your program will throw an error if your map doesn’t have the expected value.


Bracket notation will return nil if the key doesn’t exist rather than throwing an error.


We can access deeply nested values with both dot notation and bracket notation.

%{key1: %{key2: %{key3: "value"}}}.key1.key2.key3
%{1 => %{2 => %{3 => "value"}}}[1][2][3]

Bracket notation is especially useful for accessing deeply nested values without causing a crash if the value doesn’t exist.


You can accomplish all of the same behavior above by binding the map to a variable rather than accessing values from the map directly.

map = %{key: "value"}
map = %{key: "value"}

Your Turn

In the Elixir cell below, access the :hello key in map. Retrieve the value using both map[key] and map.key notation. Replace nil with your answer.

map = %{hello: "world"}

value = nil

Utils.feedback(:access_map, value)

Updating Maps

You can update values in a map using %{initial_map | updated_values} syntax like so.

initial = %{key: "value"}

%{initial | key: "new value"}

Elixir does not allow you to mutate values. That means the variable initial is still %{key: "value"}


You can instead store a new variable for the updated map.

updated = %{initial | key: "new value"}

Or rebind the existing initial variable.

initial = %{initial | key: "new value"}

You can only update existing atom key values in a map, otherwise it will cause an error.

initial = %{}
%{initial | new_key: "value"}

Your Turn

Update the example_key in the initial_map below. Replace nil with your answer. Change "value" to any other value.

initial_map = %{example_key: "value"}

updated_map = nil

Utils.feedback(:update_map, updated_map)

Commit Your Progress

Run the following in your command line from the project folder to track and save your progress in a Git commit.

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "finish maps section"