Exploring built-in Kinos
{:kino, "~> 0.14.0"}
Throughout the Learning section, we have used Kino several times.
Sometimes we use built-in Kinos, such as using Kino.Control
to deploy applications,
other times we used custom Kinos tailored for
data exploration or
In this notebook, we will explore several of the built-in Kinos.
is already listed as a dependency, so let’s get started.
The Kino.Input
module contains the most common kinos you will use. They are
used to define inputs in one cell, which you can read in a
future cell:
name = Kino.Input.text("Your name")
and now we can greet the user back:
IO.puts("Hello, #{Kino.Input.read(name)}!")
There are multiple types of inputs, such as text areas, color dialogs, selects, and more. Feel free to explore them.
One important feature of inputs is that they are shared. Once someone changes an input, it will reflect on all users currently seeing the notebook.
The Kino.Control
module represents forms, buttons, and other interactive controls.
Opposite to Kino.Input
, each user has their own control and
the main way to interact with controls is by listening to their
button = Kino.Control.button("Click me!")
Kino.listen(button, fn event -> IO.inspect(event) end)
Given our notebooks already know how to render Markdown,
you won’t be surprised to find we can also render Markdown
directly from our Code cells. This is done by wrapping
the Markdown contents in Kino.Markdown.new/1
# Example
A regular Markdown file.
## Code
"Elixir" |> String.graphemes() |> Enum.frequencies()
## Table
| ID | Name | Website |
| -- | ------ | ----------------------- |
| 1 | Elixir | https://elixir-lang.org |
| 2 | Erlang | https://www.erlang.org |
The way it works is that Livebook automatically detects the output is a kino and renders it in Markdown. That’s the first of many kinos we will explore today. Let’s move forward.
You can include Mermaid diagrams in Markdown, however when generating diagrams dynamically, use Kino.Mermaid.new/1
. This way the graphs will appear in the notebook source, if the user chooses to persist outputs.
graph TD;
You can render arbitrary tabular data using Kino.DataTable.new/1
, let’s have a look:
data = [
%{id: 1, name: "Elixir", website: "https://elixir-lang.org"},
%{id: 2, name: "Erlang", website: "https://www.erlang.org"}
The data must be an enumerable, with records being maps or keyword lists.
Now, let’s get some more realistic data. Whenever you run Elixir code, you have several lightweight processes running side-by-side. We can actually gather information about these processes and render it as a table:
keys = [:registered_name, :initial_call, :reductions, :stack_size]
processes =
for pid <- Process.list(),
info = Process.info(pid, keys),
do: info
Now you can use the table above to sort by the number of reductions and identify the most busy processes!
Kino supports multiple other data structures to be rendered
as tables. For example, you can use Kino.ETS
to render ETS tables and easily browse their contents.
Let’s first create our own table:
tid = :ets.new(:users, [:set, :public])
In fact, Livebook automatically recognises an ETS table and renders it as such:
Currently the table is empty, so it’s time to insert some rows.
for id <- 1..24 do
:ets.insert(tid, {id, "User #{id}", :rand.uniform(100), "Description #{id}"})
Having the rows inserted, click on the “Refetch” icon in the table output above to see them.
By default cell results are inspected with a limit on the text size. Inspecting large data structures with no limit makes the representation impractical to read, that’s where Kino.Tree
comes in!
data = Process.info(self())
Kino.render/1 and Kino.Frame
As we saw, Livebook automatically recognises widgets returned
from each cell and renders them accordingly. However, sometimes
it’s useful to explicitly render a widget in the middle of the cell,
similarly to IO.puts/1
, and that’s exactly what Kino.render/1
does! It works with any type and tells Livebook to render the value
in its special manner.
# Arbitrary data structures
Kino.render([%{name: "Ada Lovelace"}, %{name: "Alan Turing"}])
Kino.render("Plain text")
# Some kinos
Kino.render(Kino.Markdown.new("**Hello world**"))
"Cell result 🚀"
The Kino.Frame
construct we used when deploying our chat app is a
generalization of Kino.render
, which gives us more control over when
to update, append, or clear the output:
frame = Kino.Frame.new()
By default, a frame will update in place. Try running the cell below several times:
Kino.Frame.render(frame, "Got: #{Enum.random(1..100)}")
but you can use append
and clear
to get different results.
In case you need to arrange multiple kinos, Kino.Layout
gives you some options!
For one, you can create tabs to show just one thing at a time:
data = [
%{id: 1, name: "Elixir", website: "https://elixir-lang.org"},
%{id: 2, name: "Erlang", website: "https://www.erlang.org"}
Table: Kino.DataTable.new(data),
Raw: data
Then, there is a simple grid that you can use for laying out multiple elements:
Kino.Layout.grid(["1", "2", "3", "4"], columns: 2)
And you can nest grid any way you like:
urls = [
images =
for {url, i} <- Enum.with_index(urls, 1) do
# For in-memory photo we would use Kino.Image
image = Kino.Markdown.new("")
label = Kino.Markdown.new("**Image #{i}**")
Kino.Layout.grid([image, label], boxed: true)
Kino.Layout.grid(images, columns: 3)
The Kino
library also provides a Kino.Shorts
module, which wraps and unifies most of the functionality we’ve seen so far.
Let’s import it and give it a try:
import Kino.Shorts
For example, we use Kino.Input
to render and then read an input.
With Kino.Shorts
, this can be achieved with a single step:
name = read_text("Your name: ")
Once you execute the cell, the input will appear and, the first time
around, the value with be an empty string. You can pair this with
to read and validate inputs:
name = read_text("Your name: ")
if name == "" do
Kino.interrupt!(:error, "You must fill in your name")
There are several other helpers in Kino.Shorts
. For example,
in the previous section we used grids with markdown to display
and link several images. Using Kino.Shorts
, we can simplify it as:
urls = [
images =
for {url, i} <- Enum.with_index(urls, 1) do
image = markdown("")
label = markdown("**Image #{i}**")
grid([image, label], boxed: true)
grid(images, columns: 3)
Kino hijacks Elixir’s dbg/2
to provide Kino-based debugging:
When debugging a pipeline, Kino will render each step of the pipeline, allowing to inspect, toggle, and swap each operation along the way:
"Elixir is cool!"
|> String.trim_trailing("!")
|> String.split()
|> List.first()
|> dbg()
Next steps
We have learned many new Kinos in this section. In the next guide, we will put some of our new found knowledge into practice by rendering inputs, plotting graphs, and drawing diagrams with information retrieved from the notebook runtime.