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Mandelbrot orbits with Nx and Kino.Live.JS


Mandelbrot orbits with Nx and Kino.Live.JS

    {:nx, "~> 0.9.1"},
    {:exla, "~> 0.9.1"},
    {:kino_vega_lite, "~> 0.1.11"},
  config: [nx: [default_backend: EXLA.Backend]]
Nx.Defn.global_default_options(compiler: EXLA, client: :host)

Orbit number

We return a tensor consisting of each iterates (points) of a given point $c$ under the map:

$p: z \mapsto z^2 +c$

starting at $p(0)=c$.

We allocate a tensor $t_0$ of length $n$, the max number of calculated iterates with $t_0=[c,0,\dots]$

At each step:

  • while the squared norm of the iterate is less than 4 and max iterates is not reached, we add the iterate to the tensor,
  • else we stop.
defmodule Orbit do
  import Nx.Defn

  defn p(z,c), do: z*z + c

  defn sq_norm(z), do: Nx.real(z * Nx.conjugate(z))
  defn calc(c, opts) do
    n = opts[:n]

    t0 = Nx.broadcast(0, {n}) |> Nx.put_slice([0], Nx.reshape(c, {1}))
    while {i=0, t=t0, c, n}, Nx.less(i,n) and Nx.less(sq_norm(t[i]), 4) do
      t_i_plus_1 = Nx.indexed_put(t, Nx.stack([i+1]), p(t[i], c))
      {i+1, t_i_plus_1, c, n}

Plotting orbits

Given a point $c$, we return a tuple {interation_number, [[x_0,y_0], [x_1,y_1],...} for the Kino.Live.JS to send it to the Javascript to plot it.

defmodule Plot do
  import Nx.Defn
  import Nx.Constants, only: [i: 0]

  defn point(cx,cy), do: cx + i() * cy
  def to_js(cx, cy, imax) do
    c = point(cx,cy)
    {t_nb, t, _, _} = Orbit.calc(c, n: imax) 

    nb = Nx.to_number(t_nb) - 1
    data = 
      |> Nx.to_list()
      |> Enum.map(fn z -> [Complex.real(z), Complex.imag(z)] end)

    {nb, data}

The module below is a Kino.Js.Live module to interact between the browser and the Livebook as a server.

When you click on the 2D plan, it will plot teh orbit of this point.

More precisely, when you click on the plan:

  • the browser sends the coordinates to Kino.Live.JS (modulo a transformation canvas to 2D-plan),
  • the Kino.Live.JS server calls the Plot.point module that calculates the orbit (via Orbit.calc)
  • then Kino.Live.JS sends the reuslt to the browser to plot it with a little animation.

The client server communication uses the primitives handle_event and broadcast server side, and pushEvent and handleEvent clent side.

defmodule LiveOrbit do
  use Kino.JS
  use Kino.JS.Live

  def canvas() do

Clicked point: , &nbsp Iteration number:

end def run(), do: Kino.JS.Live.new(__MODULE__, canvas()) @impl true def init(html, ctx) do ctx = assign(ctx, %{imax: 150}) {:ok, assign(ctx, html: html)} end @impl true def handle_connect(ctx) do {:ok, ctx.assigns.html, ctx} end #-------------- received from client @impl true def handle_event("clicked", %{"x"=> x, "y" => y} = _evt, ctx) do %{assigns: %{imax: imax}} = ctx {nb, data} = Plot.to_js(x, y, imax) # Nx.to_list(data) |> dbg() # send data to the client broadcast_event(ctx, "points", %{data: data}) broadcast_event(ctx, "number", %{nb: nb}) {:noreply, ctx} end asset "main.js" do """ export function init(ctx, html) { ctx.root.innerHTML = html; const canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); const canvasCtx = canvas.getContext("2d"); const coordsElement = document.getElementById("coordinates"); const iterationNumber = document.getElementById("number") // Canvas dimensions const canvasWidth = canvas.width; const canvasHeight = canvas.height; // Coordinate plane bounds const minX = -1.5; const maxX = 1; const minY = -1; const maxY = 1; // Function to convert canvas coordinate to complex coordinate function toComplexCoord(canvasX, canvasY) { const x = minX + ((canvasX / canvasWidth) * (maxX - minX)); const y = maxY - ((canvasY / canvasHeight) * (maxY - minY)); return { x, y }; } // Function to convert compelx coordinate to canvas coordinate function toCanvasCoord(x, y) { const canvasX = ((x - minX) / (maxX - minX)) * canvasWidth; const canvasY = canvasHeight - ((y - minY) / (maxY - minY)) * canvasHeight; return { x: canvasX, y: canvasY }; } // Draw x-axis canvasCtx.beginPath(); canvasCtx.moveTo(0, canvasHeight * (Math.abs(maxY) / (Math.abs(maxY) + Math.abs(minY)))); canvasCtx.lineTo(canvasWidth, canvasHeight * (Math.abs(maxY) / (Math.abs(maxY) + Math.abs(minY)))); canvasCtx.strokeStyle = 'black'; canvasCtx.stroke(); // Draw y-axis canvasCtx.beginPath(); canvasCtx.moveTo(canvasWidth * (Math.abs(minX) / (Math.abs(minX) + Math.abs(maxX))), 0); canvasCtx.lineTo(canvasWidth * (Math.abs(minX) / (Math.abs(minX) + Math.abs(maxX))), canvasHeight); canvasCtx.strokeStyle = 'black'; canvasCtx.stroke(); // Draw grid dynamically based on min/max X/Y const gridStep = 0.2; canvasCtx.strokeStyle = '#ccc'; canvasCtx.setLineDash([2, 4]); for (let x = minX; x <= maxX; x += gridStep) { const { x: canvasX } = toCanvasCoord(x, 0); canvasCtx.beginPath(); canvasCtx.moveTo(canvasX, 0); canvasCtx.lineTo(canvasX, canvasHeight); canvasCtx.stroke(); } for (let y = minY; y <= maxY; y += gridStep) { const { y: canvasY } = toCanvasCoord(0, y); canvasCtx.beginPath(); canvasCtx.moveTo(0, canvasY); canvasCtx.lineTo(canvasWidth, canvasY); canvasCtx.stroke(); } canvasCtx.setLineDash([]); //---------- client event: send click position -------------------- canvas.addEventListener("click", (e) => { const rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); const x = e.clientX - rect.left; const y = e.clientY - rect.top; const { x: complexX, y: complexY } = toComplexCoord(x, y); coordsElement.textContent = `${complexX.toFixed(2)}, ${complexY.toFixed(2)}`; //-- send data to the server --> ctx.pushEvent("clicked", {x: Number(complexX), y: Number(complexY)}) }); //----------- callbacks from server after computations-------------- ctx.handleEvent("number", ({nb}) => {iterationNumber.textContent = nb}); ctx.handleEvent("points", drawPointsWithAnimation) // Draw each point with animation function drawPointsWithAnimation({data: points}) { console.log(points) let index = 0; // loop with "setInterval" const intervalId = setInterval(() => { if (index >= points.length) { clearInterval(intervalId); // Stop the animation when all points are drawn return; } animatePoint(points, index) index++; }, 100); } function animatePoint(points, index) { const currPoint = toCanvasCoord(points[index][0], points[index][1]) // Draw the point as a small circle canvasCtx.beginPath(); const radius = index === 0 ? 6 : 3; canvasCtx.arc(currPoint.x, currPoint.y, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI); canvasCtx.fillStyle = index === 0 ? "green" : 'red'; canvasCtx.fill(); // Draw a dotted line connecting to the previous point, if exists if (index > 0) { const prevPoint = toCanvasCoord(points[index - 1][0], points[index - 1][1]); canvasCtx.beginPath(); canvasCtx.moveTo(prevPoint.x, prevPoint.y); canvasCtx.lineTo(currPoint.x, currPoint.y); canvasCtx.strokeStyle = 'blue'; canvasCtx.setLineDash([5, 5]); // Creates a dotted line canvasCtx.lineWidth = 1; canvasCtx.stroke(); canvasCtx.setLineDash([]); // Reset line dash } } } """ end end

You can visualize the orbits of any point by clicking into the plot below.
