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Artistic Style


Artistic Style

0.Original work

“Fast Style Transfer for Arbitrary Styles”

From their performance bench mark:

model name | size | device | NNAPI | CPU ———|—–|——-|——|—- Style prediction model(int8) | 2.8 Mb | Pixel 3 (Android 10)| 142ms | 14ms || Pixel 4 (Android 10)| 5.2ms | 6.7ms || iPhone XS (iOS 12.4.1)||10.7ms Style transform model(int8)| 0.2 Mb | Pixel 3 (Android 10)||540ms || Pixel 4 (Android 10) || 405ms ||iPhone XS (iOS 12.4.1) || 251ms

Leon A. Gatys, Alexander S. Ecker, Matthias Bethge “A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style”

Thanks a lot!!!

1.Helper module

The module to assist with tasks such as downloading a model.

defmodule Helper do
  @url_predict "https://tfhub.dev/google/lite-model/magenta/arbitrary-image-stylization-v1-256/int8/prediction/1?lite-format=tflite"
  @url_transform "https://tfhub.dev/google/lite-model/magenta/arbitrary-image-stylization-v1-256/int8/transfer/1?lite-format=tflite"

  @local_predict "/data/style_predict.tflite"
  @local_transform "/data/style_transform.tflite"

  def model(:predict) do

  def model(:transform) do

  def get() do
      {@url_predict, @local_predict},
      {@url_transform, @local_transform}
    |> Enum.each(&get/1)

  defp get({url, local}) do
    |> then(fn x -> File.write(local, x) end)

  def rm() do
    [@local_predict, @local_transform]
    |> Enum.each(&File.rm/1)

  def exists?() do
    [@local_predict, @local_transform]
    |> Enum.all?(&File.exists?/1)

Get the tflite models from @url_* and store them in @local_*.


Implementation for Elixir/Nerves using TflInterp

2.Defining the DNN modules: StylePredict

  • Pre-processing:
    Resize the input image to the size of @predict_shape and create a Float32 binary sequence normalized to the range {0.0, 1.0}.

  • Post-processing:
    Kepp the output tensor as a style of the image.

defmodule StylePredict do
  # use TflInterp, model: Model.file()
  use TflInterp

  @predict_shape {256, 256}

  def get_style(jpeg) do
    # preprocess
    bin =
      |> CImg.resize(@predict_shape)
      |> CImg.to_binary()

    # prediction
    _outputs =
      |> TflInterp.set_input_tensor(0, bin)
      |> TflInterp.invoke()
      |> TflInterp.get_output_tensor(0)

Launch StylePredict.

StylePredict.start_link(model: Helper.model(:predict))

Displays the properties of the StylePredict model.


3.Defining the DNN modules: StyleTransform

  • Pre-processing:
    Resize the input image to the size of @transform_shape and create a Float32 binary sequence normalized to the range {0.0, 1.0}.

  • Post-processing:
    Convert the output tensor to an @transform_shape image.

defmodule StyleTransform do
  # use TflInterp, model: Model.file()
  use TflInterp

  @transform_shape {384, 384}

  def apply_style(jpeg, style) do
    # preprocess
    bin =
      |> CImg.resize(@transform_shape)
      |> CImg.to_binary()

    # prediction
    outputs =
      |> TflInterp.set_input_tensor(0, bin)
      |> TflInterp.set_input_tensor(1, style)
      |> TflInterp.invoke()
      |> TflInterp.get_output_tensor(0)

    # postprocess
    CImg.from_binary(outputs, 384, 384, 1, 3, " tap(&Kino.render(Kino.Image.new(&1, :png)))
  |> StylePredict.get_style()

|> tap(&Kino.render(Kino.Image.new(&1, :jpeg)))
|> StyleTransform.apply_style(style)
|> CImg.resize({320, 240})
|> CImg.to_binary(:jpeg)
|> Kino.Image.new(:jpeg)

5.TIL ;-)

Date: Feb. 10, 2022 / Nerves-livebook rpi3

Total processing time is about 4.4 seconds, including downloading the style image and camera shooting. Of that time, the StylePredict inference - TflInterp.invoke(StylePredict) - takes about 78 micro seconds, and the StyleTransform inference - TflInterp.invoke(StyleTransform) - takes about 1.9 seconds. That’s about a quarter of the performance of the Pixel 3, which has a 2.5GHz + 1.6GHz, 64-bit octa-core CPU. I think it’s fighting a pretty good fight ;-)


Copyright 2022 Shozo Fukuda. Apache License Version 2.0