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  {:jason, "~> 1.4"},
  {:kino, "~> 0.9", override: true},
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Home Report An Issue File SearchProcess Drills

Review Questions

Upon completing this lesson, a student should be able to answer the following questions.

  • How do processes send and receive messages?
  • What is state and why might we use it in our programs?


> In Elixir, all code runs inside processes. > Processes are isolated from each other, run concurrent to one another > and communicate via message passing. Processes are not only the basis for concurrency in Elixir, > but they also provide the means for building distributed and fault-tolerant programs. > > * Elixir Documentation

For an introduction to processes, how they work under the hood, and why that matters, we recommend the exceptional talk by Sasa Juric: “The Soul of Erlang.”


So all Elixir code runs inside of a process.

  subgraph Process
    E[Elixir Code]

Processes are isolated from each other and communicate via message passing.

    Process1 ->> Process2: message

Processes can store state and allow us to have in-memory persistence.

  subgraph Process

Perhaps without realizing it, you’ve been using processes for some time now. Each Elixir cell in livebook is a process. It even has a pid (personal identifier) that we can see with self().


We can send/2 and receive/1 messages between processes by using their pid. Likewise, a process can send its self() a message.

send(self(), "message")

receive do
  "message" -> "received"

The left-hand side of the receive expression can pattern match on any value. It’s much like a case statement.

send(self(), {:hello, "world"})

receive do
  {:hello, payload} -> payload

We can spawn/1 a new process and get its pid.

    Parent Process->>Child Process: spawns
    activate Child Process
    Child Process-->>Parent Process: pid
    deactivate Child Process
spawn(fn -> nil end)

A process accepts a callback function and ends when that callback function completes. A process is alive and then it dies.

flowchart LR
spawn --> Process --> Alive --> cn[Callback Function] --> Dead

We can use the Process module for functionality related to processes. We’ll use the alive?/1 function to show that the process is alive before executing its callback function. Process.sleep/1 pauses the execution of the process that it is called in.

pid = spawn(fn -> IO.puts("I was called") end)

Process.alive?(pid) && IO.puts("I am alive!")

We can use Process.sleep/1 to pause the execution and show that the spawned process dies after it is called.

pid = spawn(fn -> IO.puts("I was called") end)


Process.alive?(pid) || IO.puts("I am dead :(")

Processes are isolated from each other. That means that when a child process raises an error, it will not crash the parent process. Instead, it will only log an error.

    Parent Process->>Child Process: spawns
    activate Child Process
    Child Process-->>Parent Process: pid
    Child Process->>Child Process: raise
    activate Child Process
    Child Process->>Parent Process: logs termination
    deactivate Child Process
    Child Process->>Child Process: dies
    deactivate Child Process
spawn(fn -> raise "oops" end)
"the above crashes, but I will keep running."

If this is not desirable behavior, we can link processes together so that if one dies, the other will crash.

    Parent Process->>Child Process: spawns link
    activate Child Process
    Child Process-->>Parent Process: pid
    Child Process->>Child Process: raise
    activate Child Process
    Child Process->>Parent Process: raise
    deactivate Child Process
    Child Process->>Child Process: dies
    Parent Process->>Parent Process: raise
    deactivate Child Process

We can either spawn_link/1.

pid1 = spawn_link(fn -> raise "oops" end)
"I will not run, because the above crashes"

Or manually link a process with Process.link/1.

pid1 = spawn(fn -> raise "oops" end)
"I will not run, because the above crashes"

Your Turn

Spawn a linked process and crash this Elixir cell below. Comment out your solution when complete to avoid continuously crashing the livebook!

Message Passing

By spawning two processes, they can communicate back and forth with send/2 and receive/1. Let’s spawn a process in one cell and send a message in another.

flowchart LR
subgraph P1[Process 1]
  pid -->

subgraph Process 2
  P2 --> send --> pid
pid1 =
  spawn(fn ->
    receive do
      "message" -> IO.puts("received!")

Evaluate the cell above to create a process waiting to receive a message, then evaluate the cell below to send that process a message. You’ll notice the IO.puts/1 logs in the cell below.

As soon as the spawned process receives a message, it dies. You’ll notice you can only send and receive a single message. You can re-evaluate the cell above and the cell below to repeat the example.

send(pid1, "message")

Your Turn

In the Elixir cell below, spawn a new process and send it a message {:hello, "world"}. IO.puts the message’s payload where "world" is the payload.


So far, we spawn a process that receives a single message and then dies.

flowchart LR
  P1[Process] --send-->
  P2[Process2] --> receive --dies--> P2

We can also create a process that can receive many messages by leveraging a recursive function.

This recursive function will continue to call receive indefinitely, so the process should keep receiving messages and stay alive.

flowchart LR
Process --> loop --> receive --> loop
defmodule ServerProcess do
  def loop do
    IO.puts("called #{Enum.random(1..10)}")

    receive do
      "message" -> loop()

server_process = spawn(fn -> ServerProcess.loop() end)

We’ve used Enum.random/1 to show that the process continues to loop and receive messages.

send(server_process, "message")

With a slight modification of the ServerProcess, we can store state!

flowchart LR
ServerProcess --initial state--> loop --state--> receive --new state--> loop

We’ll store the state as an integer to create a counter.

flowchart LR
CounterProcess --> loop --0--> receive --1--> loop
defmodule CounterProcess do
  def loop(state \\ 0) do
    IO.inspect(state, label: "counter")

    receive do
      :increment -> loop(state + 1)

counter_process = spawn(fn -> CounterProcess.loop() end)

Try evaluating the cell below over and over again. Notice that the counter value increments! We now have stateful processes!

send(counter_process, :increment)

Stateful processes are short-term in-memory persistence. We can create a stateful process to store some value for the duration of the program.

Your Turn

Modify the Counter module below so it can receive a :decrement message to decrement the current count.

defmodule Counter do
  def loop(state \\ 0) do
    IO.inspect(state, label: "counter")

    receive do
      :increment -> loop(state + 1)

counter_process = spawn(fn -> Counter.loop() end)

You should be able to send a :decrement message to a spawned Counter. Uncomment and evaluate the code below to test your solution.

# send(counter_process, :decrement)

Commit Your Progress

DockYard Academy now recommends you use the latest Release rather than forking or cloning our repository.

Run git status to ensure there are no undesirable changes. Then run the following in your command line from the curriculum folder to commit your progress.

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "finish Processes reading"
$ git push

We’re proud to offer our open-source curriculum free of charge for anyone to learn from at their own pace.

We also offer a paid course where you can learn from an instructor alongside a cohort of your peers. We will accept applications for the June-August 2023 cohort soon.


Home Report An Issue File SearchProcess Drills